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Nemesis's POV

"Nemesis-chan! Nemesis-chan! Are you alright?! Nemesis-chan!"

"She's lost too much blood!"

"Let's hurry up and get her out of here."

I opened my eyes a little to find my team surrounding me. Are they okay? What happened? Where's Dosu's team?

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, so I closed them and passed out again.

(Time skip)

"Nemesis-chan is still out cold, and her fever's getting worse. I'm not sure how much longer she'll last."

"There has to be something we can do."

I slowly opened my eyes and glanced at Sakura as I felt a cold washcloth over my head. "What... happened?" I asked. "Nemesis-chan! You're awake!" Naruto cheered. "Thank goodness!" Sakura said, relieved.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we're fine." Sasuke answered. I attempted to sit up, but Sakura stopped me. "You can't be getting up yet, Nemesis-chan." Sakura said. "Why not?" I asked, taking the washcloth off my head.

I got my own answer as I grunted slightly and held my stomach. "Oh, that's right. I got stabbed in the stomach." I said, remembering what happened to me. I lifted my shirt so my stomach was exposed and noticed it was bandaged.

"Not only were you stabbed. But you also have a fever." Naruto added. "You lost a lot of blood, but we managed to stop the bleeding and bandage your wound." Sakura informed. "What happened while I was out?" I asked her.

"Right after you passed out, Lee helped out and Squad 10 came out and helped, too. And then-"

"Nothing. That was it." Sasuke interrupted her. I looked at him as something told me that there was something he didn't want Sakura telling me. "What's our status?" I asked. "Well, we're not looking too good, scroll-wise." Naruto said.

He began explaining to me how we only had about 24 hours to receive a Heaven's Scroll. If we don't find one within that time limit, we fail the exam. "Then, let's not waste any time and find ourselves a Heaven's Scroll." I said.

I stood up, but fell right back down on the ground while gripping my stomach. "Nemesis-chan!" Sakura said, worriedly, as she was quickly by my side. "You can't be moving around just yet! Your wounds haven't healed!" Naruto said.

"Well, we just can't sit here and wait for a miracle to happen. We have to find ourselves a scroll before time runs out." I said. "Nemesis, you need to rest," Sasuke stood to his feet. "I'm going to find some more firewood. Make sure she doesn't go anywhere." He instructed Naruto and Sakura.

I frowned at him as he left. "Nemesis-chan..." I looked at Naruto as his eyes were filled with worry. I looked back at Sasuke as he continued to walk away. "Here, Nemesis-chan. You should eat something." Sakura said, handing a cooked fish on a stick.

I waved my hand, telling her I didn't want any. "Come on, Nemesis-chan. You need to eat something. Your body will be weakened if you don't eat anything." She said. I continued to look at Sasuke until he disappeared into the woods.

Once he was out of sight, I looked at Sakura and Naruto. "Sakura, Naruto. I need you guys to cover for me." I said. "Cover for you? What do you mean?" Naruto asked. "Hold on! You're not thinking about finding a Heaven's Scroll on your own, are you?" Sakura asked.

"What other choice do we have? Like I said, we just can't sit here and wait for a miracle to happen." I reminded her. "No way, Nemesis-chan! You're still injured! I'm sorry, but we can't let you walking around when you haven't healed!" Naruto said. I sighed.

'I had a feeling we'd get into this argument.' I thought. "Are you guys really saying we should wait until time runs out?" I asked.

"Of course not! But we can't have you moving around!" Sakura said. "I'm going to find us a scroll one way or another. If you guys were serious about becoming a Chunin, you wouldn't wait at the last minute like this. Now you guys are either with me or against me." I said.

"I'm against you." Sakura said, frowning. "Me, too." Naruto agreed, just as serious. I frowned at them. "Very well. Then, you leave me no choice." I said. I quickly karate chopped Sakura's collarbone, making her cry out in pain and pass out rather quickly.

"Nemesis-chan, what are you doing?" Naruto said. "I'm sorry, Naruto." I quickly went behind him and grabbed him in a choke hold. He struggled against my hold, but he blacked out after a few seconds later.

Once he was out, I gently set him on the ground. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you guys fail this exam. I know how much this means to you. That's why I'm going to help you by getting the scroll myself." I said.

I grunted while holding my bandaged stomach with one hand and stood to my feet. I walked away and disappeared into the woods. "Looks like I'll be doing this alone." I said to myself, and kept walking.

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