Taijutsu Match

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Lee and I got in position as we faced each other, getting ready to fight each other. "Are you ready?" Lee asked me. "Whenever you are. Because you were so persistent with this battle, I'll let you make the first move." I said.

"Very well. Here I come!" Lee announced before charging at me. He went to kick me in the side of the head until I blocked his attack with my forearm. My other hand grabbed his ankle and flung him to a tree.

Lee did a backflip and kicked off a tree, dashing towards me. I did a shoulder roll out of the way and quickly stood to my feet. I turned around just as Lee was about to kick. I put my arms up in an 'X' formation and Lee kicked my arms.

I skidded back on my feet until I came to a stop. I slowly lowered my arms to look at Lee as he was running at me. I quickly put my guard back up. "Leaf Hurricane!" I ducked under his kick, but Lee's kick went right around.

'I see. A kick followed by a counterattack. Not bad.' I thought. I quickly did a backflip, kicking Lee under his chin. I did a double backflip and landed on feet as Lee recovered quickly. He dashed forward and I put my guard up as he started punching at my arms, trying to break through my defense.

As he was punching me, I continued to skid back on my feet. I dug my feet deeper into the grass, trying to stop myself from skidding back any further. Before Lee could punch again, I quickly grabbed his fist and used my other hand to punch him.

I did a handstand and spun around, my feet kicking Lee multiple times. I pushed off my hands, doing a front flip over Lee, and kicked him in the back. I ran at him as he stumbled forward. As he was turning around, I jumped up and did a spin kick, my heel hitting the back of his head.

Lee stood there, kind of swaying due to the kick I delivered. I tackled him to the ground and sat on his stomach while grabbing his throat with one hand. "I have you. Do you give up? Or do you wish to keep going?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"You... truly are... a worthy opponent." Lee said between grunts. "Thank you. However, you never did answer my question," I stepped on his hand to prevent him from getting any ideas of attacking. "Did you give up, or do you do wish to keep going?" I repeated.

"One more round." He said, looking into my eyes with seriousness. I closed my eyes with a sigh. "Very well, Rock Lee. Since you insist, we'll fight one more round." I obliged before getting off him. I took a few steps back as Lee did a Chinese get-up.

Once he was on his feet, I got in a fighting position. "Ready when you are." I said.

Lee made the first move by charging at me and throwing quick punches and kicks. I, once again, put my arms up in an 'X' formation while skidding back on my feet as Lee continued to throw punches and kicks.

'I can't keep this up much longer. He's too strong. I have to make the next move.' I thought. I did a spin kick, but Lee caught my ankle. I used my other leg to kick off him while doing a back flip. I landed in a crouching position before running at Lee.

Now, it was my turn to throw punches and kicks at him. He kept his guard up the whole time I hit him. When I went to punch him again, Lee had the same idea and our fists collided with each other. Due to the amount of power we gave into that punch, both of us flew backwards.

I slid on my back until I came to a stop. "Ugh..." I sat up with one hand over my head and looked over at Lee as he was getting up, too. I wasn't done fighting, and sure enough, Lee wasn't done either. Once both of us were back on our feet, we ran at each other again.

We fought each other with quick hand-to-hand combat for about ten minutes until we clashed. We pressed our forearms against each other, both of us trying to win dominance.



Lee's teammates and my teammates ran over to us. "Stay where you are!" I called to them. "Until our battle is over, do not interfere." Lee said to his teammates. "This battle will be over once you give up." I mentioned, monotonously.

"I like your enthusiasm, Nemesis-chan. But it won't be enough to stop me." Lee said. I smirked. "We'll see." I responded. I grabbed both of Lee's wrists and lifted them in the air before smashing my forehead into his.

Lee grunted as I let go of his wrists, allowing him to take a couple steps back and grabbed the front of his face. While he was distracted, I ran forward and slammed the palm of my hands against his ears, causing him to take more steps back.

I ran forward and jumped up in the air, aiming to punch him. But Lee recovered faster than I thought, ducked under me, and kicked the back of my leg so I lost my balance and fell on my back.

I dug my heels into the ground to stop sliding on the grass, then gasped when Lee with to punch my face. I moved my head to the side so he missed and grabbed the front of his jumpsuit. I swung my leg up, kicking him in the shoulder.

As he stumbled back, I did a Chinese get-up and turned around, running at him. Lee went to kick me in the side until I caught his leg and punch him twice in the stomach. I went to punch him a third time until Lee grabbed my fist and punched me in the face.

My head turned to the side as I took a couple steps back, releasing Lee's leg. "You're strong..." I mumbled as my hair covered my face. "But..." I looked at him before spitting at the ground. "You won't beat me." I said as I straightened myself up.

"Something tells me you were holding back the whole time we were fighting. That punch you delivered was powerful. More powerful than your previous punches," I wiped the blood that ran down my chin with my sleeve as I smirked at him.

"I want you to keep fighting. Just like that. Do not. Hold. Back." I commanded. I got in a fighting position again. Lee frowned while giving a nod before getting in a fighting position as well. At the same time, we ran at each other.

As we went to punch each other, we heard, "That's enough, you two."

Our heads were suddenly grabbed and forcibly smashed into each other. Both Lee and I fell to the ground while holding our heads. "You guys just don't know when to quit, do you?" I hissed in pain as I lifted my head while Kakashi and some guy who resembled Lee stood over us.

"Kakashi? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Yes, Guy-sensei. Why are you here as well?" Lee asked. "Stopping your fight before it got way too out of hand." Kakashi said. "You guys have been at for an hour straight. It was time to put a stop to it." Guy mentioned.

"This battle isn't over," I stood to my feet while facing Lee. "Not until one of us has submitted to the other." I said. "No, Nemesis. No more fighting. You guys are done." Kakashi said.

"Nemesis-chan... how can you keep going? You're not even panting, or out of breath." Sakura noticed. "Like I said, I can keep fighting." I said. Lee fell to his knees, panting and shaking, telling me he was at his limit.

I quickly went over to him to see if he was okay. "You're all out of energy, Rock Lee. I suppose we should resume this battle some other time. But I'm impressed with you because you fought bravely and heroically." I said as my hands were on his shoulder.

I helped him to his feet as his team came to aid him. "I want to see that exact same fighting spirit in the Chunin Exams, Rock Lee. I'll be rooting for you. Thank you for the battle. I had a good time." I said.

I bowed to him in a sign of respect, then walked away, heading home.

Lee's POV

"Ow!" I yelped as Tenten hit me over the head. "What were you thinking?! You've seriously been at it for an hour?! Why'd you even go pick a fight with her in the first place?!" She said. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see how strong she was. But I underestimated her. She's a lot stronger than I thought." I said.

"But..." I trailed off as I remembered her words. She wants me to become stronger and keep fighting with everything I've got. "Hmph!" My eyes sparkled as I had a serious look on my face. "I know what I must do now!"

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