Rock Lee

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As we were walking to the third floor, we were stopped by someone. "You! With the attitude! Hold on!" We turned around as some guy with black hair and bushy eyebrows stood at the balcony. "Uh... Can we help you?" Sakura asked.

He jumped down to the floor and stood to his feet. "I want to fight. Here and now. The girl." He said. "Me?" I pointed at myself, in which he nodded his head. "Who are you?" I asked "My name is Rock Lee." He said. "Dude, trust me. You don't wanna do that." Sasuke warned.

"Hang on," Naruto took a step forward. "I got him first." He said. "Be my guest." I said. Naruto ran forward and went to punch the guy, but not two seconds later, Naruto was down and out. "What do you think, Nemesis? You really wanna fight this guy?" Sasuke asked.

"Not really. We have somwhere to be, so let's not waste any time." I said before walking over to  Lee. Thinking I was actually going to fight him, Lee got on a fighting stance. I walked past him and picked up Naruto as he was dazed.

I wrapped his arm over my neck as I held his waist. "Pull yourself together, Naruto." I said. "Huh...? I'll take another bowl of ramen, please." He said, slurring his words. 'He's totally out of it. I just hope he'll pull through when we get to the third floor.' I thought.

"I am being serious. I want to fight you." Lee said. "I know you're serious, but I don't have the time to do what you want. And if you try to fight without my consent," I glanced at him with a glare. "You will be eliminated." I warned.

"Heed my warning, Rock Lee. For if you do not, today might be the last day you see the light of day." I threatened. I noticed a bead of sweat roll down the side of Lee's head and I guided Naruto back to the group. "Let's go before we're late." I said to Sasuke and Sakura.

"Right." They said at the same time.

Rock Lee's POV

I watched them go as I stood frozen in place. She was just glaring at me... and I got nervous all of a sudden. But I was confident a few moments ago. So why... did I feel uneasy about her? I gulped and shook my head, trying to shake her glare out of my head, but I couldn't.

The way she looked at me... Her piercing red eyes... They're terrifying. She's terrifying.   

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