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Elias took a big sip from chocolate milkshake & maintained his death glare for another 30 seconds.....

But it's not like I really care, I concentrated to my 2nd hamburger...

" Golden Pyramids " restutrant is quite famous round the town now on. That's what Elias said.. But it's not like it has taken the shaharah desert tradition seriously. Though it has some artificial designs & features over the shop.But it's still only a fast food shop. Which is kind of hypocrite..

I took a big bite out & chewing it real quick....

Elias said in a comforting voice,
" Relax no one is gonna take it away from you.Especially me.I can't imagine myself eating this shit.."

I sighed crossing my arms towards me,

" I'm hungry. ''

Elias gazed with his famous ridiculed expression,

" Chicken sandwich, chicken fries along with frenzies, Two hambergers. & you didn't finish this one yet...How could you be still hungry? " His voice getting louder.

" You can't sue me for my food. Relax I'm paying the bill. "

His eyebrows waggled, " Oh that's what exactly you're going to do sweety, Needless to mention Even mine "

My eyes bored into his,

" Oh I almost forgot that you're a Jerk.Thanks for reminding though. "

" Anytime ", Elias asserted...

Suddenly a big grin appeared to his face & I could almost tell he's about to tell his jokes...

He spoke in a husky voice, '' Hey wanna here a joke? "

There he goes again... He's funny but aside from that his humor was bullshit..

I remember when we were 8 or 9.. We both were busy playing vedio games to our very own device.& when I say vedio games it means that spaceship games we played in the nineties...

He had this childish brig grin as usual on his face.. & he blurted out with his baby boyish voice,

" Hey, June Wanna hear a Joke? "

I was already having a bad day & the game didn't help.So I stopped my game in the middle & nodded my head. He placed the device towards him. Crossed his arms like the " swag " kids do now..
& put in,

" What come after May? "

I muttered, " I don't know June. "

He flashed his teeths & widned his eyes... I started at him for 15 seconds..
& then slowly his smile disappeared & he started playing the game dissapointly..

I muttered out of confusion, " So what's that the Joke then? "

He didn't answer. So I tried to make it upto him,

" Wanna hear another joke? "

He nodded his head, this time he needed company.
I chuckled, " What comes before July? "

& then I brust out of lauhter.He didn't find me funny either. Cause he gave me that death glare.


" June "

" Oh yeah, shoot. " , I started chewing the left overs of hamburger...

" What did the biologist wear on his first date? "

" He didn't. " , I spoke having mouthful of food...

" No.. Designer jeans. "

" And how exactly that makes sense? "

Elias shrugged while explaining, " Cause you know we have that gene in our DNA.. "

I naggeed, " Oh my God....Are you serious? I don't understand do you surf around all day in the Internet to find this lame jokes. "

Elias place his palm to his chest, " You're hurting my feelings. "

" Here I have a pickup line. Are you garbadge? Cause I'm taking you out. ''

Elias insulted, " Old & boring. "

" Huh!! "

Elias tried to think of something.. He takes literally everything as challenge.. & I saw his eyes lit up a little & then suddenly it switched off..

He sighed, " Never mind.I ain't good at this anymore "

As if he was ever actually good in it...

I smirked thinking too much on his comment & let out , " That's what she said. "

Elias tried to hide his laughter but that didn't work to well.. He ended up laughing making weird sounds

He chuckled, " Really June? "

" We have a clear winner here."

" Touch'e "...

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