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I was trembling with anger.
I didn't even have a clue that I could be this aggressive
I don't even think I know myself very well. There's a guy who left a note in my seat  once when I was 6th Grade & it was something like ,

" Are you, are you coming to the tree ?
Where I told you to run , So we'd
Both be free..
   Love June ."(With a phone number attached to it. ) 

& I was like " Is it really meant for me ? I'm sure there would be billions of June in the world.
It might be for someone else. Though there was only one June in the class. May be June was some secret code word. Or perhaps the month after May "

Was I really that God damn insecure !!! All girls are insecure right? & all boys are immature. But that doesn't mean the girls aren't immature or boys aren't insecure.
It's just girls are more decessive in material terms and boys are in emotional terms....

Wait !! Shouldn't I be angry or something?
You can't stay mad at someone when you try to perceive too much psychology.
& I'm not sure if it's a good thing
. If you ask me, I'm not sure about absolutely anything.
So even being a girl I'm indecisive to material structure.
Or may be it's a very normal thing. Or perhaps good cause in indecessiveness one is always open for suggestions.
Seriously I think I'm turning into self explanatory object.

& then I heard a knock at the door. I shouted ,
" The door is unlocked. Pull .If that doesn't work Push "

Mom came in by pushing the door
( So it works when it pushed , I wonder why didn't I notice that before)

Mom , " Elias Goldestine wants to meet you. "

I mumbled, " Why he wants to meet me ? "

Mom, " Because you're upset and you've been in this room for 8hours "

I remarked, " That would be hardly half hour "

She explained , " You're in this room since 11am & now it's 7pm "

I looked outside the window with disbelief . It was really dark outside. In fact it's dark inside the room. Is my thinking process really that slow ?

Without hesitation Elias came of to the room from nowhere & praised mom ,

" You're hell of a woman. Such remarkable gestures of time madam. "

I narrowed my eyes and reminded him " Hey, that's my mother "

He crackled, " Tell me something I don't know. "

I responded with a dramatic tone ,
" Use butter only on breads "

Mom yelled , " I believe that's not the appropriate conversation for current moment. "

Elias slightly turned his head towards Mom and said ,
" Would you mind giving us some time ?"

Mom shook her head and she left the room.
Elias gently sat beside me & described ,
" I became truly immature today. But I just had a very bad day yesterday. So the certain feelings were... "

I interrupted,
" Elias please remember that I'm your true friend. & as a true friend all I have to say , I don't give a fuck about you. Your life or your stupid problems. What did Sam told you after basketball is unbearably boring.(He always had a fight with Sam over basketball) & I can't go with forget & forgive state. I'd rather be more immature and take revenge of this. "

Elias brust out to laughing and dared , " & how you're going to do this ? "

Me while smirking ,
" Time will tell. Now go home. & make as many sub plans of my main plan. "

He stood up & declared ,
" Understand. Good talk. Okkayy..bye. "

Then he left the room to.& in to the dark room I kept thinking that " What is my stupid plan ? Or What can I do about sub plans ? How do I manage to get myself involved in such things always !!! "

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