Sparkling Aptitude

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Luca's home was just two houses away from mine that's what Luca acknowledged me .& ofcoure I didn't notice. Even I didn't know where Elias's house was. . I tried to assume that he might be near here-there somewhere. It seemed like I was not the only one who made a big psychological story about everything. Luca was far better imaginative than me. But I still didn't know how far He had taken it..

Luca , " Are you listening or not ?"

I almost forgot that I was walking side by side with him to home. & He's blabbering too much. Poor guy, didn't speak for years, better not to be interrupted.. I tried to make a friendly smile & said , " I'm listening every word you say."(Lie lie lie )

Luca look forward
& pointed out straight ,
" Isn't that Elias outside your home ? "

I suddenly stopped & said , " Shush!!! Follow me "
I suddenly tried to hide myself to the backyard of neighbor's house . Luca followed me.

Luca looked at me , " Is he planning for a prank something? I saw a large box with him .This guy is disgusting"

I said " Actually it's a gift for Maria "

Luca stated at me with curious eyes , " Maria ? Your elder sister or something? "

I bite my lips , exhaled a deep breath and explained , " She is my mom "

Luca , " Your mom !!! "

I muttered , " I call my mom Maria sometimes. Cause I understand she might be a mother but also only a woman. A strongheaded, childish woman who actually never grew up. ''

Luca looked at me with suspicious eyes , '' That's why you're pranking her out of her comfort zone . Writing her stupid meaningless letters by Elias . "

I interrupted , " Wouw, hold on. What are you talking about? "

Luca explained , " Who doesn't know about you two morons. Playing with people's emotions just for having fun. Always pranking ... "

I looked at him with disbelief ,
" You think I'll do that to my mom..."

Luca exhaled a deep breath and said , " After what you have done with Issac. I'm quite convinced you can do anything to anyone. "

My flashbacks from kindergarten school slowly visibled to my memory. Issac was some sort of creepy guy.
For which I believe he didn't have any friends .Once I helped him in math test. & after that he became super clingy. So Me & Elias locked him in to girls washroom after the classes were over . Telling him that we'll get him some friends.Took of his shirt and not only that we umh.. Kind of write mean things to his shirt like , " loser " " Jerk " . After that he made a great fuss of crying. & uttering words like , " Why..did.. you do that June ? I just wanted a friend ? "
Luckily he didn't complain that to teacher. But he didn't also come back to our school again. An act of guilt always moved towards me for this incident. I didn't know if Elias had the same...

I looked at him and said " What made you say that? You're very twisted and negative you know that right? I thought I would never say this to anyone, but may be the time has come. I've to show you how beautiful the world is. My father died five years ago and My mom is madly in love with her. She has suicide tendencies and she's very very sick. & that thing that Elias doing is just to give her a little hope . & I didn't ask him to do that. He's an idiot, he's doing it all by himself "

Luca seem confused , " I don't understand. Your dad died and your mom . well, nobody told your mom that news. Some clients perhaps. Or, how did Elias know? Why aren't you stopping him? How do you know ..."

I struggled to talk , may be because I was to furious with anger.I felt dreadfully bad and guilty & knew only making it worse, trying to cover up myself with witty puns .

" You know enough, now go home. & get your shit done. Bye "

When I was about to knock the door , I saw the door was already open. Maria was so happy that she forgot to close the door. I directly went to drawing room. Cause I had to see what Elias got for mom this year. Last year he sent some beautiful books by Shakespeare, John Green & ..wait I don't remember.
When I went to drawing room. I saw Maria dancing and singing all the way. Her eyes were filled with joy . She exclaimed with excitement , " Oh, June. Your dad sent a thousands of butterflies this year. "
" Mind if I see them ".
" Yeah, sure" .
She handed over me the box.. Those where all plastic sculptures. Yet colorful and glittery. & they had that sticky stuff on their backs which might meant stick everywhere you want

Maria taunted , " You know what I like about your father "
He doesn't exist , if you ask me. I thought. ..

Still I tried to sound curious " What? "

She wheezed , " He never sent me expensive gifts. He knows me & he knows my heart. When he'll come to live with us, I'm gonna make his life miserable , telling him how he's little things percied my heart "

" I exhaled & whispered, " Mom, I'm just gonna go upstairs

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