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In hot summer, after the class..
I waited near to the staircase for Elias. This was our regular spot. No matter wherever we were wondering around during the class hours. We meet there. & then headed to home......

Elias was late as usual. I had seen him huffing and running towards the staircase. Another prank or fight with boys I assumed. He let me hold his bag and said while huffing ,
" Please take this to my home. & tell my mom I'll be late. "

I sneezed , " Now what?"

He muttered , " It's just Football. Nothing else "

I looked at him with suspicious eyes , " Really? Just football ? "

He said,

" You know what !!! Go home & take my bag . ''

I bite my lips & exhaled deep breath. & uttered ,
" There's another problem. "

Elias sighed , " What ? "

Puzzled while talking , " I don't know where you live.. "

Elias shouted, " Impossible. .. "
My cheeks suddenly turned red.

Elias laughed & said , " It seems like our little June is gonna have a little adventure today . Go & find it "

I smirked , " How about I handover this shit to you tomorrow? ".

Elias mocked , " Very funny! This is really important June. For once in life do something for me . "

I teased " Say it with sugar on it. "

Elias exhaled & said , " Okay, sugar please do it for me. "

I smiled & motioned my footsteps ....

I had absolutely no idea where Elias house was.. I mean it could be anywhere. Generally he picked me up from home and then leaded the bicycle to main road. Main road is divided into four sections ...

So in the middle of that I stood , troubled & confused...... I tried seeking for answers... After some moments , I tried to remember from which direction his bicycle used to stand. That might solve a lot of problem. But then a new logic came through. It doesn't matter from which direction his bicycle appears because we always had to take the same direction ahead of main road . I finally gave up & started walking for home. ...

When I was almost going to knock the door, Suddenly I remembered Elias lecture,

" I'm never late. I always make it to your home in 10 minutes. You're the most slowest creature.. "

Rest of the lecture is not important.....

So I watched my timer and started walking from the south to 15minutes straight. I don't know my intuitions seemed to tell me where to go.... & then I stopped after 15 minutes. All of them seem so absolutely stupid. & then I heard someone calling me from distant. It was a woman sitting on to the chair of the veranda outside of  the house. She was wearing a pretty yellow fork & her blonde hair made it look like more enchanting. She seemed like an actress from an movie or something. Photogenic face. When I came towards her, she asked me ,

" Are you June Amberson ? "

I smiled and politely greeted her...

She smiled back & said, " Elias did tell me this morning that we are having a special guest today... "
I hurried, " Oh no. I'm just here to return this back. I'll just leave right now.... "

The woman which was Elias's mom Mrs .Augustine I reckoned argued,

" No you're not. I already called your mom. She says it's okay if you stay. Besides, June .I've a special request to make "

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