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After that we didn't talk or meet each other for three weeks. I mean as long as the summer vacation last ...

& it was certainly my worst summer . My days were beyond ordinary. No, not just because my mother left me. I was a dumb shit since the day I was born. Like 90% woman in earth now, I couldn't cook , I couldn't do literally anything. I had to go for a long walk every single time I was hungry. But it was all from my pocket money. & soon it was about to end too. So I had to go to the city banks as well to get some cash in order to buy foods ( What else there to buy without foods !!! )
I don't know, I  might be too dumb to get wasted and roaming round the fancy clubs. Trying new alcohols, drugs or something....
But I was getting used to my life.

Except for the emotional unbalancement. But I did little researching in Google. My most trusted friend " wikihow " . A place where anyone can be as dumb as possible without getting roasted.According that I had to be productive and energetic. Socialize and all that stuff.. I was trying to master in cooking where I nearly burned the house trying to boil the water. Ah well, good effort though....

Next was socializing which I thought starting with Luca was best idea....

" Do you have any idea how am I suppose to prank Elias? I want it to be his worst prank .. "

Luca replied, " Hey wanna go to the terrace again ? "

I ridiculed , " What did I just ask you? "

He said, " I heard it but the lunch time is over & we can  plan it out there. "

I nodded, " Okay then .. "

           While leading up to the staircase of terrace Luca said ,

" Have you ever reached the top ? "

I said , " No "
Luca said, " Neither did I. Let's see what secrets it behold "

Well, the roof top was not that much fascinating. It was pretty big though ..Covered with dust..
There was no fun  watching the school's playground from here. I went to the backyard of it ..
It was much better there. At least it was not school playground.

     Luca exclaimed with joy ,
" Cool. Isn't it? "

I said , " Is it ? "

Luca said , " Look at the scene, man.. It looks like  one of the magnificent place written on fictional stories... River in the distance. These trees . & the roof top is as creepy as hunting house . "

I said , " Yeah, may be. All the kids in my age have amazing imagination. "

Luca asked , " What ? "

I giggled and said , " Certainly. "

Luca asked, " You don't find this mesmerizing. ? "

I said , " You know you kind of remind me of someone. "

Luca rolled his eyes so hard that I am sure he was just about to see his brain....

I asked, " So what's the plan? "

Luca said while inquiring the place ,

" Well pretty obvious one actually. But I'm confident no one ever tried it before. "

I said , " That's enough suspension. What is it.?"

Luca smirked ,  " We're just gonna call his 42 girlfriends into an expensive hotel . "

I muttered, " Impossible.... & what they're going to do with him ? "

Luca chuckled, " That's not our problem. "

I was actually thrilled by the idea more than excitement.
I said ,

" What if He got seriously smashed up ?  Plus the girls will get lots of public sympathy. "

Luca narrowed his eyes down to the ground,

" You think any girl who'd be this much serious about Elias would leave him alone in three days?!   Plus he's an intelligent boy don't worry about it. "

I said , " Yeah but ... "

Luca screamed , " Okay, I'm done. I'm out of the prank. "

I thought for another two minutes & said ,

" Convincing them to come might solve the problem. I mean we can check their reactions. "

Luca said , " You're not planing to tell everyone about the prank.  Are you ? "

I said , " Actually I am kinda. After all old friend's sake. "

Luca said , " Please , what are you gonna say ? Hello , we're arranging a prank for your ex and you're invited "

I smirked, '' That's it. That's I'm gonna say. After all it was your idea . ..Do you have any better idea to call them for ? "

Luca looked in the distant and mumbled , " That's make sense though. "

I tuned my voice, " Of course it does. "

Luca said, " So where's his phone ? "

I answered, " Probably in his pocket. "

Luca made a sarcastic laugh ,
" That's a genius piece of information. "

I said, " We have to wait until the classes are over . I have to make an excuse to have his phone. "

Luca said, " & may I ask how you're going to write 42 numbers in a couple of minutes. "

I said, " Then I have to make sure he forgets about his phone. "

The way I said it , it seemed very easy. But the truth was far away from reality. Whom I suppose to tell him that I am gonna call ? He knows all of my friends. Maybe because he's my only friend until now. Making Elias forget about his phone. Like really?

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