Dream Interpretation

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Maria interrupted to my thoughts while calling me for supper.
" Coming, mom. "....

After having supper, I didn't know why did I feel so tired. I fell into sleep immediately. & had this strangest dream.

I was standing somewhere between everythingness & nothingness. I mean earth which was everything & the sky meaning less empty. & the rest of the place were covered with fog...In front of me was eternity. & I had to make a choice.
Where suddenly Luca walked in...
He smiled at me & said , " I believe you can fly . "
As I opened my mouth to say something, I felt someone pushed me so hard that I felt in the eternity. & the eternity seemed to embrace me with all of it's megnativ strength. I didn't know where I was falling. Maybe this had no end..

Suddenly I felt massive pain in my head & I woke up. I found myself into the ground while rubbing my head. So I did fell ,
For instance from the bed.
I yawned , " Wickkkedddd . ,"

Back to the philosophy class this morning. I took my regular seat , beside Luca.

He seemed to his regular self too. Wearing headphones. I smiled at him and said , " You almost killed me . "
He was pretending as if he's not listening. Practicing the same shit he did all of the years. But it felt good.For some reasons I didn't like things to change too much. I hate surprises. So I was back to my regular self too....
I waited until the class is over & then same blabbering.

" Did you ever had a dream that you thought it was so real ? "

Luca played with his fingertips . Maybe this was something he did to hide embarrassment . I tried to ease my shoulder and teased ,
" Anyway Luca you want me to walk you home today ? I'm your most reliable friend you said "

Still no expression. I raised my right eyebrow while uttering ,

" What are you playing at ? You talked me just yesterday . So you can't pretend like nothing ever happened . "

I waited for another two minutes & said

" Time for class. See you soon , shithead . "

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