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Hi guys! New update! Yay for me! Also it's kinda long..sorry for the irregular lengths😅 anyways..enjoy,vote and comment! Bye!

“Alright people, let’s move out!” Jin’s voice echoed through the kitchen. Everything was set.
Hoseok looked at Jin . He looks happy. He thought as Jin smiled at all of them. Hoseok  knew this was a big deal for him. Everyone did.

“I see that everything is done, eh?”

Hoseok turned to see who had spoken and was met with an old couple. Both white haired and with gentle smiles.
It was the old man who had spoken. Hoseok knew him as the owner of this charity.
He also knew that these where the people who helped his eldest friend put his life back together.
Jin had been a runaway. Like all of them.
And like all of them he had his problems to deal with.
But he was lucky.
He was lucky that two people brought him back their home when he passed out on the street with no food.
He was lucky that someone cared enough to help a stranger. A rare wonder in this world.
Hoseok knows that this is important to Jin. Helping them out is his way of saying thank you for everything that they have done for him. And since Jin was his friend , it was important to him too. Even Donghyuk , for all his complaining helped out.

Your family. Our family.”

He remembered what Jin had told him when they first met.
He remembers his thirteen year old self being confused at Jin’s soft words.

“But I don’t have-...”

He was pushed out of his. Not that he wanted to go back...but it hurt a lot more back then.

He remembers being hugged tightly.

“That’s what we’re here for...”

Fifteen year old Jin ruffled his hair and whispered softly into Hoseok’s ear.

“ Brother.”

Hoseok remembers crying and the wet feeling of his tears on the elder’s cotton t shirt.
He remembers smiling into the hug. Revelling in its warmth.

Feeling connected for the first time since he befriended Yoongi eight years ago.

Jin helped a lot if people and he was glad to be one of them.

He smiled slightly looking at the elder frantically scramble around trying to find his keys while the others laughed among themselves.

Your family. Our family.

And Hoseok wanted to return the favour in anyway he could.

He felt a weight on his back. He turned around ,not surprised to see Donghyuk leaning his back on his as if he was a lounge chair.
Nevertheless ,Hoseok didn’t complain.  Instead, he did the mature thing and flicked a crumpled paper wrapper at him. Hoseok laughed as it hit Donghyuk squarely on the face. Donghyuk pouted which made Hoseok laugh even louder. Donghyuk grunted and tackled him onto the floor to shut him up. By the time Hoseok hit the floor he was cackling and Donghyuk had given up on trying to quieten him down.
After a while the laughter died down and Hoseok got up from the floor and dusted his jeans. “Are you two lovebirds done or do we have to wait another hour?” . Yoongi called out from near the door, sarcasm evident in his tone. Hoseok rolled his eyes and picked up the remaining boxes, filled with tiny cups of pumpkin porridge. He smiled as Donghyuk stuck his  tongue out at Yoongi playfully.

“Ready?” Donghyuk asked as Yoongi finally gave up and left them to follow.

Hoseok grinned and followed Donghyuk towards Jin’s truck.

“Let’s go play Santa, shall we?”

When they made it onto the main street they split up to cover note ground. He ended up with Yoongi and they made their way near a bus station. This was their usual routine. Bus stop, park, shopping street. They’ve been doing this for three years but Hoseok never got tired of it.
In fact he liked it.
He liked that he can help people too. The same way they helped him and Yoongi a few years back.

He smiled as he handed a cup to a woman who was carrying a child. The child looked at the porridge for a moment and turned his face around when his mother trued to feed him some. Hearing the woman’s sigh Hoseok chuckled. “Stubborn, as we?” The woman sighed and took a bite . “You have no idea.” . Hoseok grinned. After all he has been doing this for three years.
He prepared for occasions like this. He pulled out a bag from his backpack. “Maybe you’ll like this?” He said waving the bag a little to get the boy’s attention. The child’s eyes brighten upon seeing the contents and proceeds to squeal excitedly. “Chocolate!” He let the boy pick one and smiled happily at the sight of the laughing boy. The mother thanked him before getting on to the bus and Hoseok waved until they disappeared into the vehicle.

“Playing Mr. Nice guy and we now?”

Yoongi drawled from behind .Hoseok turned around  .
“I’m always nice.” He huffed , pretending to be hurt by the remark.(He was actually pretty used to this by now. When you know a person for eight years they tend to grow on you.)
“Maybe you should try it’ll be a nice change from your usual moody vampire like state.” Yoongi covered his eyes pretending to be blinded by his light. He dropped his hand from his face. “Oh please, I’m much cooler than a sparky paper-skinned stalker am I not?” Yoongi deadpanned. Hoseok laughed and patted his head. “whatever makes you sleep at night.” And with that he walked on ahead towards a gang of office workers waiting to catch a bus.
“Wait...aren’t I?!” . He heard Yoongi yell from behind.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re way more cooler than a super-powered, eternally handsome citizen of the undead who has everyone eating out if their hand. Nope. much cooler .Totally. You’re a freaking icicle. Brr.” Hoseok hollered back after a few minutes of Yoongi’s whining earning a shocked glance from the man he was handing a cup to.

Yoongi stopped. “Well if you put it like that ...”

“Are you going to help me or not?”

“Hmm...maybe after I turn into a bat..”

“Well when Jin finds out that your slacking you’ll be bat stew to accompany the lasagna.”

“And who’s going to tell him?”

“Yours truly, that’s who.”

“What are you, five?”

Beep. Beep.

“Why you little-”

“ Hi Jin, yeah about Yoongi-“

fine. I’ll help .Jesus.”

Yoongi grumbled as Hoseok cut the call. “Good choice. Now then let’s go to the park shall we?”


The walk to the park was quiet. Hoseok saw that there weren’t that many people here .. They had only a few more cups with them. Hoseok silently celebrated the fact that going home before midnight didn’t seem like a dream now.

He could hear carols being sung from somewhere nearby. He was singing along to them when he heard Yoongi call out.
Hoseok turned . “what is it?”
Yoongi came closer muttering under his breath. “He won’t talk to me.”
Hoseok cocked his head.


A face stared at him with wide eyes from behind Yoongi's legs.  Soft brown hair contrasting vividly with the dark blue of the denim.


The boy blinked. Hoseok  found himself crouching down to level himself with the boy. The boy looked at him .
He spoke, creating foggy puffs in the winter air.

“Hey mister, are you an angel?”


So many angels ...heh. also this was kinda sappy ..I think? Meh 'twas necessary for ze plot so yeah..OK that's it I'll go now..bye bye have a nice week! Hope you liked it😁

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