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Hey! I'm back! Finally! Wifi sucks
(--_-- ) buut good news is that exams are over so I'll update regularly😊 like once or twice a week...OK. without further ado, enjoy . Also like vote and comment! Byeee!


Taehyung ran.

He didn’t stop until he got in through the main gate and into his classroom. When he finally got to class his cheeks were red from the coarse and icy wind and he was panting heavily.

Thankfully there weren’t many people around to see him in this state.

Well that was completely unnecessary.

It wasn’t that he was really interested in keeping a spot free record. But his school made a big deal out of latecomers.
And Taehyung didn’t want to get noticed. Simple as that.

He shook out his hair rather violently which was dampened by the light morning drizzle. Unaware of the person behind him. He heard a yelp from behind.
Turning around he was confronted with a boy that looked at least two years younger than him.

His face was half covered by his hands which where small even by normal standards. His eyes we blown wide with shock. Probably because of the unexpected water attack.

He looked up at Taehyung.

“it’s fine”

Both of them spoke at the same time.

They looked at each other, unsure of what to say.
Then the shorter boy laughed. 
It was an infectious laugh that made Taehyung smile as well.

After the silence was broken, he held out his hand.

“Hi, I’m Park Jimin, nice to meet you. I’m new here and you seem like a nice guy so um...can I sit next to you?”

He smiled, eyes morphing into two  crescents.

This was the second time this morning.

Maybe I got up from the wrong side of the bed.

Jimin could have just  taken the seat. There was no need to ask him.

And yet he did

And Hoseok...

Taehyung blinked. He wasn’t used to this. Normally no one makes first contact with him.

But this is OK...
Huh. He felt peculiar.

People didn’t talk to him. They ignored him. Except for Chanyeol.

And he was fine with that.

So then why did he feel ...


Taehyung realised.
He was happy that Jimin talked to him.

He shook his head.
“Yeah you can, I don’t mind and my name is Taehyung by the way.”

Maybe this is a joke. A prank.

But the smile that spread on Jimin’s face told him that it wasn’t.


Taehyung thought as Jimin sat down next to him and started talking about his dog.

...This is new.


Aaand cut ! OK Yay! Tis done . Hope you liked it😁

This will possibly be fluffier than I initially planned tho... oh well. Bye-bye( ^.^ )

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