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Heya I won't be posting for a while cuz of exams ...Heh...byeeee!

Breakfast was a tedious affair as usual.
Other than the usual comments it was mostly silent. Or it was until his stepmother caught sight of something .

What is this?

Soo Jung asked grabbing Taehyung’s wrist making the fork in his hand fall to the floor.
His father and stepbrother turned to look at him. Taehyung winced as he felt Soo Jung’s fingernails dug into his skin.
“What’s what?” he asked.
“This.” she stated as she pushed the sleeve of his too big white t shirt upwards revealing the small tattoo just below his wrist.

Ah snap.

He had forgotten about that one.

“What about it?” he asked coolly. Trying to think of a way to get out of this situation. He knows this is going to end badly.

“What have we told you? Things like this affects us too . We didn’t raise you to be like this. God,what will people think ?”
She looked at her husband.
“Dear, tell him.”
“hmm? Well as ling as he knows what he’s getting himself into…”


Taehyung gritted his teeth as Soo Jung tightened her grip on his wrist.

What did she expect? A scolding? Him to get grounded?”

Please, his father didn’t care about him that much.
He barely pays any attention to any of them .

“what do you want me to do? He’s not a child anymore.”

He’s not your child.
Is what he meant.

“How did you get it? You can’t go to a parlor, you’re still underage.” Jeongguk asked raising an eyebrow.

“Favor from a friend.” Taehyung muttered . Only to realize what he said afterwards.

what kind of friend?

Oh great

“That’s none of your business.” He replied and got up from the table.
The last thing he wants is to continue this conversation.

“What did you say? Of course it’s our business . We’re you’re parents.”

Something inside him snapped.


Give me a break

“You’re not my parents.”

He stated looking at the trio at the table.

Soo Jung went pale.
His father sighed.
Jeongguk just glared at him. 

And you never will be.

He turned around and walked up to his room,showerd ,got dressed , grabbed his bag and walked out of the front door in record time.

He plugged in his earphones and looked at the time.


He grinned. School doesn’t start till 8:00 .

Now where did he put his camera?

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