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Hiya! Soo this might be the last update for a while since y'know, midterms(--_--  )buut I will update regularly after that soooo enjoy!
Comments are welcome 😊

Hoseok lead him down the lane until they stopped near a somewhat old building with faded dusk pink walls.

There were small pink and orange flowers growing under the windowsills and Taehyung could see the interior of the shop from the large wooden frames windows.

The shop was larger than he originally thought with a rather old tree on one side of the lawn near a small patch of pink roses. And the small walkway towards the building had violets growing on either side that looked neatly trimmed.

He looked at Hoseok who was beaming at his little garden like a mother on her kid's graduation day. Happy and proud.

He looks nice when he’s smiling. Taehyung thought.

“ Stop And Smell The Roses.”

Hoseok looked at him, and grinned. His mouth curved at the corners and the familiar dimples made their appearance.

Goddammit does he never stop smiling?

Not that he was complaining…

Shut up.

As Taehyung fought off the urge to poke Hoseok’s dimples the pink haired boy opened his mouth to respond.
“It sounds weird right? It was a dare. Basically ,I got drunk with my friend  and since I was totally and utterly wasted I told him that he can name my shop.” He sighed. “This,-” he said pointing at the sign, “-Is a result of five seconds of Google Search with flowers as the keyword.”
He looked at the sign. “But I kind of like it y’know? So yeah I didn’t change it. And that’s it.”
He moved forward to open the gate and looked back at Taehyung.

“Well, it’s time to bid farewell I guess…see you later maybe?”

Confusion was written plainly on Taehyung's face.
Then his eyes widened in realization.

Oh shit. School.

And without another word he bolted out of the lane , the sound of Hoseok’s laughter accompanying him in early winter air .

It was a nice laugh.
Hoseok stared at the figure which was now almost at the end on the lane until it disappeared from his sight. He chuckled ruefully as he remembered the look on the boy’s face when he realized he was late.

Not a bad look.Then again, Hoseok doubted that any expression would look bad on him.

Kim Taehyung.

Was his first thought when he saw him earlier that morning. Hoseok had just gotten a shipment and they had delivered it home instead to the shop. But Hoseok didn’t mind. Since his shop was a five minute walk from his house.

He was climbing down the stone stairs when he saw him.

Sitting on the stairs , head thrown back and light brown hair floating gently in the wind. His mouth was slightly open which ,to Hoseok was endearing.
And then the wind came at him with all its might causing a horde of flowers to rain down upon the sleeping boy.

Of course he woke up after that. But
If Hoseok was being honest, the flowers fit his mysterious and soft demure perfectly.

He looked like a angel. Like he would sprout wings any moment and take to the sky.

Correction: he wasn't just cute, he was VERY cute.

When he finally spoke his voice was polar opposite to his appearance.
It was deep and he had a tendency to leave his mouth slightly ajar when he wasn’t speaking.

It made him look like a puppy. And Hoseok adored puppies.

After a few moments Hoseok  realized that he was standing in front of his shop just staring into the space while grinning like an idiot.
As he fumbled with the keys he heard a familiar sarcastic rumble from behind.

“Finally snapped out of your trance did you?”  Min Yoongi drawled, eyebrow raised .

“Mind telling me what you were thinking about?” 

Smiling at the memory fresh in his mind Hoseok turned to face his friend

“ I think I met an angel today.”



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