Chapter 2

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Johnny and I have been pretty distant lately. I don't know what it is but he won't answer me. We're currently on a break from the tour and I'm spending a few days here at the Orlando residence.

"You ok Kenz?" Lauren asks.

"Of course Lolo." I reply.

"I'm gonna go get my phone and we'll go live." Lauren states.

"Kay." She nodded and walked out the door. Johnny then walked in the room but left once he saw me. I caught up to him and tugged his sleeves. "John. Are you ignoring me?" I look him in the eye.

"What?... no." He denies.

"I know you are Orlando. What's up?" He lets out a sigh of defeat.

"Jenzie tweets. They keep saying 'ask Kenzie out already' and it's annoying. Don't get me wrong I love my fans but..." I nodded.

"I get it John. Besides we're friends. And we know it isn't real so why are we still hung up on that?" He nods.

"I'm sorry Kenz."

"It's ok Jaun." I peck his cheek which creates sparks when we touch. Everytime we touch I feel sparks.

"Is Jenzie real?" Lauren says with a huge grin. Unluckily for us she was on lively and the screen was on us. Therefore everyone saw it.

"No Laur. It was a friendly peck on the cheek." Johnny says.

"Yea." I agreed.

"Aww." She pouts and seeing the comments I guess the fans felt the same. She positioned her phone and started reading the comments. "Wanna play kiss, marry, kill?" Johnny shrugs.


"Ok guys. Give us three names and we'll tell you who we would kill, marry, or kiss."

"I'll go first." She looked at her comments and flashed me a smirk.

"Johnny, Hayden, and Brandon." Johnny coughed once he heard his name. I mean Johnny is the only one I would marry out of the three.

"No offense but kill Hayden." Johnny seemed relieved. "Kiss Brandon... and marry.. The other guy." I mumble the last part. I can feel the heat rising up to my cheeks. Johnny has a smirk plastered on his face.

"You heard it here live guys. Jenzie is real." Lauren says as she jumps in the air.

"It's just he's the one I know the most so I'd rather marry one of my good friends then some stranger."

We all know that's not the complete truth

I shake my thoughts and look back on screen.

"Johnny's turn." Lauren shouts. I chuckle at her will behavior. That's my best friend all right. I look back onto the screen.

"Kenzie, Nadia, or Ruby." I read the comment. He thought of it for a second and started speaking.

"Kill Ruby. Sorry Ruby. Kiss Nadia, and marry Kenz." He says the last part with a blush.

"Aww they will marry each other. How cute? Jenzie!" Lauren says.

"Is not real." I add.

"Lauren's turn." Johnny says, changing the subject.

"Hayden, Carson, Zach Clayton." I read aloud.

"Kill Zach, no offense. Kiss Hayden. Although Hannie will not be so happy about that. Marry Carson." She finally says.

"Lets play another game." I say.

"Would you rather extreme edition. But extreme as in doing it." John says. Lauren nods in agreement. I give him a shrug as we look at the comments.

"Lauren, would you rather prank call Carson or jump in the pool?" I ask.

"John can I use your phone?"

"Why can't you use your own?" John asks. He slowly gets his phone and moves away.

"It's on live." She gestures for the phone. He moves away slowly as Lauren's gets up and tackles him to the floor. She grabs the phone and starts running. She turns on the screen and wicked smirk appears on her lips. "Aww Johnny."

"Give me that." Johnny gets up and goes after Lauren.

"On Johnny's lock screen it's him and Kenzie." She attempts to show the live but Johnny runs after her. Lauren shrieks as I blush. He really had me in his lock screen? I couldn't help but have a huge smile. Lauren then tossed me the phone as I catch it and stare at the picture. Lauren and Johnny come racing towards me but I threw it back at Lauren. Yet Johnny pushed me as he falls with me laying on his chest. Our faces are inches apart. I stare at his beautiful green eyes that I've always adored. The beautiful lips I've always wanted to taste. I shake my head and got up.

"Sorry Kenz." I give him a small smile.

"It's ok Johnny boy." I walked back to my seat and stared at the screen full of comments about Jenzie. I'm pretty sure Lauren just exposed us...

"Laur." John says before snatching his phone and staring at his screen with a smile. Is he smiling about us? I shake my head. It's probably something else.

"Anyways... What do you guys think we should do?" John walks away with a huge smile on his lips.

I felt my phone buzz. I take a look at it only to see he texted me.

John❤- Did she forget about calling Carson?

Me- I think so.

"Wait. I forgot about the prank call." Lauren says as she runs after John. "Give me your phone."

I shook my head as a chuckle left my lips. I scroll through the comments.

"Is Jenzie real?... Nope." I looked through the comments only to see wink if Jenzie is real. I give them a wink as the person who commented it starts freaking out and commenting. Another chuckle escaped my lips.

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