Chapter 21

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Pre-trial jitters

(After the accident)

Jeremy's P.O.V

"Nice to meet you, Ethan." He held his hand out and I shook it.

"Come on everyone let's have a seat for dinner. Ethan I still feel bad at letting you help with dinner." My mother said.

"I really like to cook." He shrugged.

The boy who sat next to Dianna smiled as if remembering something.

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Oh, I'm Alex. Sorry, I didn't mention that sooner."

"So, are you too... related because you don't look alike?"

"No, he and I are... friends? I guess you could say."

What does that mean?

"So you're... dating?"

"No, no, he umm... has a boyfriend." Well that didn't ease my confusion.

"I also sort of have... girlfriend." He seemed reluctant in saying 'girlfriend'

I'm more confused than usual.

"Oh, sorry, I though..."

"Yeah, it's fine, it's not the first time someone asks that." He smiled.

Once dinner was started we made a bit of small talk amongst one another all commenting on how good a cook Ethan is before we spoke of the case.

"Dianna, I just, I'm concerned because when they call me to the witness stand I'm not gonna know what to say. I can't remember anything that happened that day. Not even the smallest of details like the bus number." I sighed out.

"It's gonna be fine, we'll have the jury's sympathy way or another. On one hand you can't remeber and that's sad for a young man to go though, on the other hand your 'trauma' may cause the jury to feel bad as well. It's a win-win case. You can't loose." I sighed internally dreading that statement.

I want to be sure she's guilty of it'll be on mt conscience. It's not that I don't believe my brother I just can't feel like that.

Once dinner came to an end I excuses myself so I could shower then sleep but my thoughts were plagued thinking about the trial.

Don't think.

Don't think.

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind before closing my eyes.

"She's not slowing down."

"H-hey look out!"

Blood, everywhere.

Fire. Tree.

I shot up from my bed sweat covered my entire body and for a second I didn't knkw where I was. When I remembered tears ran down my face. I began to shake every part of me water to scream.

"Jeremy! Jeremy!? Are you Okay? Look at me? What happened?" I vaguely heard words, I didn't know who they belonged to; my mind was elsewhere.

It was on the accident, the blood-- so much blood. I can'tstop shaking everything inside of me begged to stop but it was as if I was in auto pilot and I could stop even if I wanted to.

I could hear whimpers and I knew it was me but wasn't controlling it. I was suddenmy wrapped in hug. I didn't know who it was but it seemed motherly so I assume it was my mum so I grabbed her arm and held it close to me. I just need something to hold on to right now.

Once I calmed down a bit I saw it was actually Dianna?

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"It's fine. Now tell me what happened?"

"Steven must be suffering so much, he must have all this time. I didn't know how bad it was. My umm... My boyfriend offered to take me home that day. I said no, if I had said yes my brother would have died. I wouldn't have been there to help him. I-I..." I felt the tees coming back to my eyes.

"Calm down, Jeremy. Anything else?" I nodded gently.

"I didn't lose my memory on the bus, I lost it when my head hit a tree. It felt like I was reliving it and remembering at the same time, like living it twice at one time." My voice was shaky and tired.

"Yeah, I can't imagine. It's gonna be okay. Okay? Just get some rest. The trial is tomorrow and you be slept for maybe an hour. I'll tell your parents what happened." I nodded and laid back down on my side.

I don't really feel like sleeping anymore though. I mean I didn't the first time but this time I knew why.

I grabbed my phone and write a text.

Jeremy: I just remembered the day of the accident and now I can't sleep.

It took a whole five seconds before I got a reply.

Xander: I'm on my way.

I was going to write to him not to but knowing him he was probably at his car by now. He doesn't live far so by the time he got here I ran down the stairs and opened the door. Everyone in the living room stared at me as I opened to show Xander. I saw him and immediately wrapped him in a tight hug.

My dad cleared his throat loudly.

"Sorry dad."

"You two. Are you a... thing?" Asked my dad with an unreadable expression.

I looked to Xander for approval and he answered instead.

"Yes, sir but we'd appreciate if you wouldn't tell Joyce of anyone else yet, I have something planned." I didn't know that.

Did I?

Maybe I just don't remeber.

"Okay then. I'll be checking up on you two then. Go on." I grabbed him hand and pulled him to my room.

He and I both got in my bed and I snuggled into him. He accepted it as if we'd done it a million times though we prabably hadn't.

"I'm scared." I whispered truthfully.

"I know-- but you're gonna do great, the fact that you got that memory back could potetially be used to you benefit." I buried my head in his chest even more so than before.

"Yeah, that's what Dianna said. It didn't help then, I don't think it'll help now either. I know sympathy will convince the jury but I don't feel comfortable with people feeling sorry for me." Xander began messing with my hair, it felt comforting.

"It's gonna be okay. Just get some sleep."

At his words and listening to the sound of his heart I began to slowly fall asleep.


Sorry for such a late update, what's today... ugh... Wednesday I'm sorry. I know this is an over used excuse but I was husy with school. Notheless I'm sure when im finished with all the preposterous work that I'll be a better writer for you all. I might add a page from my creative writing work so you can see my progress. Anyways I might update mynother story twice. This story is almost over *cries* but it's okay I had a lot of fun with it and you get the first part of the book series I'm working on.

August 30, 2017

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