Chapter 7

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Martin Valve

(After the accident)

Jeremy's P.O.V

"Whose Martin? I really want to know. Please tell me." They only looked amongst each other.

No response came from any of them.

"Is he the person who's coming next week?" They looked to each other with startled eyes.

"We should tell him." Illiana whispered to them.

"But, it Martin. He-he can't know, let him live happily while he can remember." Joyce answered her statement.

"Have any of you even thought that maybe I won't ever remember? Maybe what I know now is what I'll always know." I fully believe I'm gonna get my memory back someday I'm just trying to get them to tell me, "You said so yourself, you can't protect me forever."

"Martin is..."


"We have to tell him." They shook their heads in disapproval, "Martin is a bad person. I've known you my whole life and unfortunately Martin has too. Martin used to be friends with all of us, he was nice and polite and always followed the rules. He was my best friend however once we began... seventh grade, maybe he began to get a snappy attitude and he just got mean. We all decided it'd be best if we kept our distance, however he wasn't so happy with that and he tried talking to us. We told him our concerns and he said he'd try and fix it but instead he took everything he had out on you, we don't know why he became this way he just did." Xander shrugged and looked towards me.

However I looked to the floor. This Martin guy is gonna try to hurt me? Why? What did I do to him? Why me? I felt a sudden warmth like being wrapped in a blanket. I then realized that tears were beginning to come down my cheeks and Xander was hugging me. I hugged him back and cried into his neck. My grip on him was unusually tight and I don't know why, I was practically clinging on to him.

"It's okay. I won't let him hurt you. I won't." He grabbed my head and began to rub my back in soothing circles.

I couldn't say anything I just cried. Not my finest moment but what else can I do, someone that I don't even remember is trying to hurt me. I don't even know his last name. My fists tightened on his shirt before I finally felt like I can get myself together. I loosened my fingers and lessened my tight embrace. Slowly we separated and I wiped away my tears.

"Sorry." I looked down.

I'm sure the area around my eyes is extremely red. Red beyond compare even.

"It's fine. We're all here to help you." He grabbed my hand and everyone else crowded around me trying to comfort me.

"Thank you. When I got to spend time with you I found it really hard to believe that I could have friends like you guys." I smiled for the first time in what felt like hours.

After about fifteen minutes of us just being hurled around just talking about random unimportant things we decided that should probably do something to get our minds off of things.

"Hey who want to play truth or dare!" Everyone began cheering and I just sat there trying to remember what the hell that was.

"Umm, what's 'truth or dare?'" I felt a little uncomfortable asking this since they all seemed to know what that is and seem eager to play.

"Well, it's simple, the rules are in the name. Someone will ask you truth or dare and you'll have to answer with one of them. If you choose truth that person will ask you a question and you have to answer honestly, however if you choose dare that person has to tell you to do something and and you have to do it." Illiana was going crazy with hand gestures trying to explain.

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