Chapter 1 (Intro)*

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My eyes struggled open everything was a blurry and dark abbyss. I saw nothing. My eyes adjusted and I remembered the circumstances. My hand trailed to my head and the sticky red liquid was immedietly captured by my pale fingers. I looked to my side. My brother laid there blood coated his hairline and his face was covered in cuts. I struggled to lift myself up with my arms to reach over to my brother. I placed two fingers on his neck. He was alive, he was breathing, but he wasn't okay. My head moved around slowly to find the Emergency Exit. My eyes landed on the familiar red words. I heard water running. It took only a few seconds before I realized it wasn't water. I lifted the knob and pushed out the window that covered our escape. I hurriedly grabbed my brother's arms and used all my strength to be able to pull him up. I pushed him out of the flipped universe and into the sunny terrain of reality. My eyes squinted at the bright light shining from the sun. I pulled myself out as I shut my eyes in pain as little bits of shattered glass tore into my flesh. I managed myself out of the vehicle. I attempted to make my legs work again by standing slowly. I gathered all my strength before attempting to pick my brother up once again and walking as his feet dragged behind us. An explosion ran in my ears and sent me shooting against a tree on a wet patch of grass. Then it all goes black...

My eyes opened to an unfamiliar room. The walls were a creme color. The room is lit up by florescent light bulbs creating a light purple tint to the room with white furniture. Where am I? I look to my right and notice the machine that determines my heart rate. The beeping noise echoed throughout the room in waves of sound. Hospital, I'm in the hospital. A bust of wind hit me. The door was opened by a man in a white coat. 'Dr. Mathews,' that's what his coat said.

"Oh, I see you woke up," I nodded.

"What happened?" My voice was hoarse and raspy.

"Your bus flipped over on the way to school. It exploded." Why can't I remember what he's talking about?

"School? What school?" His face contorted to one of concern.

"Jeremy, what's my name?" Who's Jeremy?

Then I remembered the question. What does he mean? Have we met before? Who is this guy.

"I-I don't know." My voice returned to me halfway through my sentence.

Tears found their way to the side of the man's eyes.

"Jeremy it's me. Your Dad." Dad?

"Who's Jeremy?" The tears escaped his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

"You. Son, you're Jeremy." I am?

"I don't know what's going on. You're my dad? Huh? What are you talking about?" My eyebrows came together in confusion of the words coming from the man claiming to be my father.

"I'm Austin Mathews. You're my son, Jeremy Mathews. Please remember." He approached the bed in which I was laying.

"A-Austin?" The man's face was sad, almost helpless as if I'd seriously hurt him deeply.

"Y-you rescued your brother from the bus when it turned over. God, please remember." He sat on the chair by the bed and placed his hand down on the bedside and his shoulders shook lightly.

Could it be that he is my father? Who am I? Is my name really Jeremy? What happened? My mind is in scrambles. I-I have a brother?

"I'm gonna go call your mom, see ya later son." The man stood and walked away leaving me laying there bumbfounded.

I tried moving my arms but as I did a sharp pain stuck my entire body causing my arm to drop back down on the bed. Right on time with the fall a light knock came at the door. The door opened gently.

"Jeremy, you okay buddy?" A medium height girl with mid-back long blonde hair walked through the door.

"W-who are you?" If that man is right and he is my father and I can't remember then that must mean I'm suffering memory loss.

"It's Joyce, your best friend?" Her face contorted to confusion.

"Best friend?" I don't know who she is

"We-we've known each other since k-kindergarden." He voice broke and I felt incredibly guilty.

I want to remember, really I do, but I can't. Tears tugged at the side of my eyes, then I saw her face, it was broken. I guess her face broke me too because the tears poured down my face.

"J-Jeremy what's wrong?" She walked to me and knelt to my side.

"I-I don't know who you are, I don't know what happened, I-I don't know what brother that man was talking about, I can't remember anything! What bus accident, what brother, what school, why am I so affected by you people and I can't even remember your names? I don't know what's going on." My voice transferred to a low whisper at the end as I explained my problems to this stranger.

"We're your family, Jeremy. We were worried sick about you. We love you, very much." She grabbed my hand and I felt something weird when she did, it felt... safe.

Her hands on mine felt familiar yet I don't know from when or why.

The door was once again knocked on and a woman in a nurse's outfit walked in.

"It's time for his medication." The blonde headed girl nodded then let go of my hands before walking away.

She gave me one last glance before walking out the door.

"Hey Jeremy, your medication will make you drowsy so, be prepared to sleep once again. Your father is really worried about you by the way." There they go again, saying that man is my father.

Her arm extends to the tube on my arm and she injects a needle into it. My eyes begin to droop and suddenly my eyelids seem way too heavy as they begin to slowly fall shut. Everything goes dark...


Okay, so this is just the intro but hopefully you'll get the idea of what the story will be about. I'm incredibly excited for this story. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It's short since it's just the intro but it's something... I think... okay... bye now.

November 12, 2016

God, this story is so damn extra. I never even realized before. Then again this is the first time I'm reading over it. Anyways I fixed any spelling errors I could find therefore revision... complete!

Revision date: July 27, 2018

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