Chapter 19

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Come with me

(After the accident)

Jeremy's P.O.V

What. The. Hell.

His words befuddle me, they can't be true. If they were, wouldn't this person confront me... tell me. That's the most logical thing to do right?

"You're lying." I backed away from him just enough so I could still run out the door if need be.

It wasn't far seeing as it is a janitors closet.

"I wouldn't... I wouldn't lie to you about that." He seemed to be chocking up as if her were hurt or carrying a heavy burden.

"W-well if you're not lying then why has said person not said anything... or explained... or-or... told me for that matter. I mean that would be the normal thing to do, right?" I believe him, I don't know why maybe it's the look of sincerity in his eyes or the way his voice chocked up as if he were about to cry.

"Maybe he wanted you to find out on your own because he believes in you." He?


How does he...

"It's you. Isn't it? Y-you're the person I'm supposedly dating right?"

"How did you- oh, that's how." He looked away from me.

"That's why you're upset. That's why you're angry. You're- you're... jealous." I wanted to smile, I wanted to smile at the fact that Xander could ever possibly be jealous.

Xander looked at me again and I saw a glint of joy on his eye, the first time I've really seen it since I woke up. But it was gone again.

"I should've told you. I'm just happy you know. Now I'll spend every moment I can trying to get you to remember. I just... can you do something for me really fast." I was curious to say the least so I nodded hesitantly, "I... can I-" He cut himself off and just did what he wanted, he wrapped me up in a... loving embrace.

It was so love filled I involuntarily leaned into him and hugged him back. I snuggled me head on his chest and gripped his shirt really tight. It felt as if I were being filled with something new. Suddenly nothing was important not the court case and not the memory loss. That's when a swarm of memories came to me. Being with my friends, watching movies whilst we're all under one big blanket eating popcorn, going to a small bakery and eating muffins, hot chocolate while it snowed, a warmth against my lips.

My eyes watered. I'm overcome by joy, I remember being around them like it was yesterday.


"Hey, come here look!"

We all gathered by the window at Joyce's command as the first few drizzles of snow fell upon the dewy grass.

"Can't have Christmas without snow, right?" Joyce smiled as her breath fogged the window.

"Okay kids it's time for the contest to start. Not to brag but I think my sweater is gonna out-ugly all of yours." My mum came from the kitchen holding a small batch of Christmas cookies.

"Nah, Mrs. M I believe mine out uglied yours from two blocks away." Leslie stood to reveal her hideous sweater.

Yup, that's the winner.

It's a sweater with a horrid image of Santa clause with a cotton ball beard. The bearded man is dressed in a strippers outfit. Where she got that is beyond me. What I do know is that it's scarring my eyes.

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