Chapter 5

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Brittany’s POV


Plain fear was all I could feel.

A million and one thoughts were going through my head.

‘Where am I?’

‘What’s going on?’

‘Why me?’

‘What’s happening at home?’

‘Do Mom and Dad care that I’m gone?’

‘Is there a way out of this?’

‘Am I going to die?’

‘I wonder if I can ask for some McDonalds…’

“You’re an idiot” the unfamiliar deep male voice laughed, making me realize I said the last one out loud.


This unfamiliar man looked tall, about 5’9, with tousled light brown hair.

I sat in a wooden chair, hands tied behind the back of the chair and feet tied to the legs of it.

Whatever I was being restrained with was beginning to irritate my skin beyond belief.

“First, you actually thought he liked you. Then, you actually picked him over your family and now, you’re actually asking for McDonalds” he chuckled deeply.

I heard a door open and close behind me.

“Hey Uncle.”

This voice I recognized and became overjoyed when I heard it.

“Jake?” I called turning my head, “Jake darling?”

“Um, hey Brittany” he said uneasily.

“What’s happening?” I asked curiously.

“Well-” he began.

“What’s happening – or rather what has happened – is your kidnapping” the unfamiliar deep voice said.

I felt my throat tighten and my heart begin hammering in my chest as it did when I was pulled into the car and drove away from my home not so long ago.


I ran out the door into the chilly California air and saw two cars parked one behind each other.

I began running to the car parked in front only because it resembled Jake’s car.

When I got to the back door of the second car, the front car started up and drove off as the door I was standing beside flew open.

I started to scream as I was being pulled into the car by big, rough hands.

“Mom! Mom help me! Let me go! Mom!” I yelled as the car began driving off with the top half of my body hanging out.

I saw dad run out the house and begin after the car.

“Mom, Dad! Help me!” I yelled before my whole body was pulled into the car.

I felt the car speed around a corner as some kind of cloth was held up to my face.

I tried scratching the large hand but it was no use, the person wasn’t removing the cloth.

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