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I found this creature particularly interesting when I was researching it. I was searching for a creature to write a story about but I can't quite remember how I came across them.

MISHIPZHEU- In mythologies of the indigenous peoples of the Great Lakes, underwater panthers are described as water monsters that live in opposition to the Thunderbirds, masters of the powers of the air. Underwater Panthers are seen as an opposing yet complementary force to the Thunderbirds, and they are engaged in eternal conflict.

Underwater panther was an amalgam of features from many animals: the body of a wild feline, often a cougar or lynx; the horns of deer or bison; upright scales on its back; occasionally feathers; and parts from other animals as well, depending on the particular myth. Underwater panthers are represented with exceptionally long tails, occasionally with serpentine properties. The creatures are thought to roar or hiss in the sounds of storms or rushing rapids.

Mishipizheu were said to live in the deepest parts of lakes and rivers, where they can cause storms. Some traditions believed the underwater panthers to be helpful, protective creatures, but more often they were viewed as malevolent beasts that brought death and misfortune. They often need to be placated for safe passage across a lake. As late as the 1950s, the Prairie Band of Potawatomi Indians performed a traditional ceremony to placate the Underworld Panther and maintain balance with the Thunderbird.

In most stories they are known to kill almost anything they come across and readily fight the humans they meet, with the humans falling short of victory 9 times out of 10.

In other scenarios the mishipzheu is a human who can turn into the creature, but only does so at night. The human won't know what they are unless they see their own reflection, but during their times in their other forms they are attracted to large bodies of water such as lakes and reservoirs and have an almost insatiable blood lust.

But not all those with the potential to be a mishipzheu become one, some who have the genes will never turn into the mishipzheu form whereas those who do will be very powerful and will have slightly heightened abilities in their human form.  

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