"We did a great job," Giorgio rubbed my back and kissed my head.

"We?" I shot him a pointed look.

"I helped make them," he shrugged while I scoffed.

"You only had to impregnate me while I carried them for nine months and yet you still don't help," I shook my head, leading him out of the room.

"Hey," he held onto my arm while walking. "I'm trying. I spent all day with them today and we had a fun time together."

"A start," I smiled and we entered our bedroom.

"Progress," he pointed.

"Maybe I should run the design business of things at work while you stay home with the kids more," I wiggled my eyes, hinting something.

"I'll do whatever you wish, amore," he closed in on me, pressing his lips to mine. Backing me up against the wall, he took my hands and intertwined our fingers, pinning my arms above my head. This was exactly what Lauren loved doing in the bedroom. It took my breath away every time.

"Are we really gonna have sex in your parents house?"I whispered, feeling him leave open mouthed kisses on my neck.

"They're a whole floor above us," he husked.

"The kids?" I questioned, biting back a moan from his suction.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind another brother or sister." I gasped at that right before he picked me up and threw me on the bed.


Lauren's POV

Being back home in Miami was nothing short of amazing. I spent quality time with all of my family and friends as much as I could. That also meant going out to party. I guess I was stuck in this party mode since I didn't even go out this much when I was in college. But it was like a need now.

"Good, huh?" I smirked at my best friend Alexa, tasting some Maker's 46 for the first time.

"I guess," she scrunched her nose, causing me to laugh.

"Well, we still got more bottles so drink up," I giggled. Finally at our favorite club in Miami, she and I started the night slow by taking time with our alcohol. Our safest bet since we got a fuck ton of it.

"Anyone you eyeing tonight, Lo?" she asked, smirking.

I furrowed my brows, "Here? Nah, I'm happily-" I paused for a second, saving myself from spilling about Camila. I couldn't exactly tell Alexa that I had a relationship with her. It wasn't the same situation with my New York friends. Alexa was like my sister. Ashley was too but Alexa was just different. Too close to family.

But then again... Camila and I weren't exactly in a real, serious, exclusive relationship, were we? I mean, sure we had sex almost everyday, said that we were in love with each other (which was still true), and I'd do anything for her. But... she was married so, there was no good way to describe what we were. For that matter, would it be possible to cheat on her?

"Happily what?" Alexa spoke up.

"Uh.. I'm.... I'm happy single," I raised up my glass of bourbon, clanking it with her glass.

"Same here, sis, and I plan to keep it that way for a while," she chuckled. "Wait, does that mean you're still a virgin?" Goddammit.

Rolling my eyes, "Are we gonna talk about this every time we're together?"

"Yes, it's cute!" she laughed, making me internally groan. "Like, you didn't have your first kiss till your high school graduation party. You're such an innocent baby, Lolo. Not with alcohol but-"

Mistress (Camren)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon