Chapter 13

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The farm did belong to one of Joey's relatives. Joey had to explain the situation to her and introduce everyone which was weird since she would practically stare into your soul. There were a few more people who lived there which were all still relatives of Joey. There was also one of Joey's friends there. She went by the name Lizzie and also had a YouTube channel and played games with Joey.

But anyways as it turned out, the property was boarded up so the undead couldn't enter, the crops actually grew, there were actual working water pipes, the electricity actually worked, and it was safe. The house only had 5 bedrooms so everyone would have to share with one another.

You, Joey, and Stacy shared one room. Lizzie, Gabbie, and another relative shared some other room. And the other relatives shared the other rooms. Since the electricty worked, Joey grabbed one of the computers that they kept, turned it on, and immediately went to see if there was WIFI connection. Joey groaned once he saw that there was no WIFI. He put the computer back where it was and began to talk to his relatives.


Once everyone was settled in with their backpacks and some stuff unpacked, you all took turns using the shower that actually worked. It was comforting because you all felt like you could finally call this place a home. You all didn't get to eat that much but you all had two meals a day, which weren't full meals but it was better than the snacks you all ate back at the cabin.

You all sat around one large dinner table and enjoyed a meal of ramen noodles, with carrots and broccoli. It was a weird combination but when your really hungry, you could eat anything. It was comfortable and everyone enjoyed everyone's presence. It was comforting.


I rewrote this three times because I didn't like it. Another chapter will be up in 3 days or less.

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