Chapter 4

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Blood splatered on your face as you sliced at a zombie. You wiped it off and ran to Stacy and Joey who were only a few feet away.

Joey nodded at you and kept walking forward. "We're going to have to stop for a water break soon but nowhere here is safe."

Stacy sighed and went into a random apartment. You and Joey followed her in and had knives at the ready. You closed the door behind you and searched the small place.

Whoever lived there before killed themselves and left only one water bottle left. It was clean though. All three of you plopped down on the floor onto the blood stained beige carpet.

You each pulled a water canteen out from your bags, unscrewed the top and drank some like thirsty pigs. You each put it back in your bags and sat there, thinking how many days it has been since you've showered, used technology, or even slept clean.

"Where will we be staying tonight? Here? We would have to board up the place then make room for sleep places." Stacy could only state the obvious.

"I guess, I mean like what choice do we even have?! Its the best option we got. Whether you like it or not. I'll go see the beds condition then maybe we could sleep somewhat comfy tonight." You sigh and get up, heading towards the bedrooms to see it clean and neat. Both beds neat like they were just bought new.

You walk back to the others just to see them opening up cabinets and drawers. "The beds look new. Thats suspicious. Also I don't think there is anything left though in there." They look up suprised. "Then who will take first shift? (Y/N), would you do it?" Joey asked.

"Sure. You two sleep and I'll eat all the food." Joey and Stacy gasped. "You wouldn't dare!" Stacy glared. "I know. I'm kidding pig." You stuck your tongue out at her. They laughed at you. "You can help yourself to the crackers. Me and Joe don't like them very much." Stacy pointed to her bag which the crackers were located.

"Nah, we might need them soon. I might eat them for breakfast though." Stacy looked at you surprised. "Well its still daylight out. What will we do?" Joey was always energetic no matter the case.

"I guess we could search the other apartments for extra supplies. We're kinda good on supplies but we will need them." Stacy and Joey nodded at your suggestion.

They brought out their knives and exited out the door. You all saw a apartment boarded up.

"Well, lets see that one first guys...."


And thats a wrap! I hope you enjoyed, good damn bye!

Deadly loving (Joey Graceffa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now