Chapter 11

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"Get back here you little whore!" Joey yelled at Gabbie. You were all playing a game of tag out in a open field somewhere not that far from the cabins.

You were all yelling at each other being stupid. Was it safe to be yelling when the undead can probably hear you and find you? No. But was it fun to play a game finally? Yes.

You fell earlier sometime during when Stacy was chasing you and you tripped and fell. You were sitting by one of the trees while brushing dirt off of the large cut. It was hurting you badly so you decided to sit down and take a break.

You didn't feel like standing up a playing a game when you were hurt. You watched Joey as tagged Gabbie and turned around and ran away. Gabbie groaned and laughed, then started chasing Joey since he was closest to her.

Stacy watched from aways, catching her breath while she can. Joey screamed like a girl as Gabbie finally caught him and tackled him to the ground laughing.

You smiled at them as Gabbie stayed on the ground laughing while Joey sat up and brushed away dirt from himself.

The game continued on for another hour, which was way to long for a normal game of tag to go on for. But it was nice to have fun when you were always worried about dying. You all headed back to the cabin when everyone was to tired to run anymore. Everyone had a few small cuts on them due to falling.

You all entered the cabin which smelt like burning wood, and flopped down onto the floor. After two minutes Joey finally decided to break the silence.

"Guys...our cabin is on fire!"


Sorry for not updating, I've been sick. <3

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