Chapter 8

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1 Month Later

You panted as you kept running. You wore jeans that were ripped, a T-Shirt with a cartoon pig on it, a large magenta wool sweater over the shirt, and black combat boots. You had on a backpack with food and water in it.

You ran to yours, Joey's, Stacy's, and Gabbie's cabin. Gabbie was also a YouTuber. She joined two weeks after Shane's disappearance. The cabin you guys had was in the woods and you ran out to get supplies. You found some, but now you were being chased by zombies who were really slow at running.

You kept running and when you made it to the forest line you slowed down and glanced behind you. The zombies weren't chasing you anymore which was fine by you. You walked more into the forest following a not so obvious path made by Joey.

The path had small markings carved into the trees that you followed as you went to the cabin.

You held a pocket knife in your hand as you slowly made your way to the cabin. The place would've been nice if the world wasn't overrun by zombies. Over time your hair has grown a lot more than you expected it to grow. You were thinking of cutting it since it would make things harder if it stayed the same length it was.

You made it to the cabin and you walked in as you closed the door behind you and placed the backpack on the kitchen counter.
Joey came running out of another room in the cabin and hugged you immediately. "We missed you!" He said as Gabbie and Stacy walked out of the same room and hugged you also.

Gabbie's previous blue hair was faded so she cut it off since it looked ugly. Her hair was 4 inches below her shoulders and was a natural color. Stacy's hair was still the same since she liked it that way. Your hair was waist length. (A/N: if your hair was shorter previously then it grew out. if your hair is longer then your cutting it now.)

"I brought back more food and water. I got good stuff though." You said as the group hug ended. They all smiled and thanked you before going back to doing whatever they usually do.

There's only two bedrooms in the cabin so everyone shares a room with everyone. Gabbi and Stacy share a room while you and Joey share a room. Nothing has happened between you two yet which was kinda good even though you started taking a liking to Joey recently.

You walked into your shared room and sat on the bed that was there. Joey was currently sitting on a stool and looking out the window.

"I'm thinking of cutting and dyeing my hair." You said as Joey turned around and faced you. "Why?" Joey asked. You sighed, "Well shorter hair would be better in the apocalypse and uh well at the store i went to they had hair dye left so i grabbed a random box and left." You shrugged.

"Well it's your choice." Joey said and smiled. You smiled back and left the room to tell the girls. They squealed and agreed almost immediately.

Gabbie ran to one of the bathrooms in the cabin and opened the drawer and grabbed a pair of scissors. She ran back out and smiled. "Well come on let's do this." She said and Stacy nodded.

Future chapters will be betted I promise.

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