Chapter 12

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Memes are great. I'm writing this when I'm supposed to be doing homework. Your whalecum ;)


Everyone was rushing around the burning cabin, grabbing backpacks and shoving other supplies left around the small wood cabin which was once a home, but is now going to be a pile of ashes, and a memory. You all rushed out of the cabin and ran to a certain part of the woods, a part of the woods which was full of bushes and trees, and also a white truck.

You all never used the truck since you didn't need it for anything since the cabin was comfortable. But now, the cabin is engulfed in flamed so now it is not a home.

You ran to the truck in such a panic that your burning knee didn't bother you. You all threw your backbacks in the back of the truck, and climbed into the seats. There were two seats at the front, and three seats in the back. Joey drove the truck, Gabbie sat in the passenger seat, while you and Stacy sat in the back.

Joey quickly got out the key from under the chair and started the car. He then drove off onto the path quickly, while dodging trees and some lingering zombies.

You were all breathing heavily and didn't want to believe that the cabin was actually gone.


Joey drove the truck along dirt roads around the country side where all the farms and animals would be. During the whole 40 minute ride, everyone was quiet. Stacy shifted in her seat next to you, trying to get more comfortable.

Sooner, Joey drove up a steep dirt road into a farm place. He turned off the truck once he parked and sighed, "One of my family members live here. I don't know if their still alive or not, but we can check." Joey got out of the truck slowly and stretched. Everyone else including you did the same.

You all walked up to the front door of the farm-like house and knocked on the door. The door opened and you were all greeted with a warm smile, which was mainly directed at Joey but let's keep the good parts in here mainly.

Deadly loving (Joey Graceffa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now