You Make Up

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A/N: A continuation from that chapter before last. This was suggested by Newtismybloodybf <3

Don't know why I made Y/N so sassy in Newt's one but oh well enjoy being sassy for a bit. 

Also I swear I end up writing more for preferences than I do for Subject A250 chapters. 

Also, sorry Thomas' is short, but I couldn't think of much more to do for his. 

ALSO any more suggestions? I'm on holiday now so have time.

Also I woke up at 5:30am and started work at 6:30am this morning so forgive me if this is a little rambly/odd. 

That will be all. Continue.


The time came for Thomas and Teresa to be banished

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The time came for Thomas and Teresa to be banished. You felt sick to your stomach. All of this was just so wrong. Why should they be punished for something they don't even remember doing? Something that you didn't even have any proof of them doing? Was that really worth killing them over? You didn't think so.

Not to mention, your fight with Gally had you feeling all out-of-place; you two never fought, but you couldn't remember a single nice thing you'd said to each other since Thomas had arrived. You knew it was because Gally was scared. Gally was always so much more scared than he claimed to be, than he came across to everyone else. You knew him better than they did, and you knew he was scared. He needed someone to blame. 

So Thomas and Teresa would be punished.

Thomas wasn't even conscious, still reeling from the effects of the Changing. Gally had been the same. Those were the worst three days of your life- worst three days of your life that you remembered, you supposed

Jason was holding Teresa back, who was putting up a real fight. Thomas, on the other hand, was being dragged along by Joe and Terry, who didn't seem to show any remorse at sending an innocent, unconscious boy to his death.

"This is stupid," you muttered. 

"What was that?" Gally asked pointedly, turning on you. You glared back at him.

"I said "this is pointless". He survived the maze before; he'll do it again. Just let them stay. The Grievers'll just come for us anyway. There's no point in a Banishment now."

Someone nodded. Newt, who'd been oddly quiet through all of this, shot a sideways glance at you. Something was definitely amiss; he, Minho and Chuck had spent way too much time sitting by the Slammer to let this go down without a fight.

Gally shook his head at you, pitying you, it seemed. But there was something in his eyes that told you he knew you were right. Still, he was the most stubborn shank you'd ever met, so he persisted with his ridiculous tyranny. 

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