How He Helps You Study

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A/N: My exams are finally over for the year! Bring on summer!!

He takes away everything until you've finished the work you need to for the day. You hate him for it, but it's worth it when you get to cuddle up to him and watch a movie at night.

It's a competition of course. You quiz each other, and Minho sulks if he doesn't win. It's actually a great way to motivate the two of you.

He sits with you and helps you through it, creating mind maps and doodles to help you remember things better.

It always starts off with good intentions, but studying with Thomas often ends up as a far more stressful experience than necessary. It'll take you four hours to cover one concept because he needs to know the answer to each and every thing about it, even if you're not being examined on it.

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