Chap 31.

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When I left for office, I wasn't exactly proud of myself.
I hated me for what I did.
one of my mind keeps on telling that falmata is incapable of such things but the other mind warned me about trusting blindly.
The worst thing is that she's not making things any harder for me.
The way she looked at me yesterday when I slapped her melted my heart and yet I didn't feel sorry for her because I was high, over dosed with anger.
She looked so innocent but perhaps conning.
Could it be sameera, behind it.
No, sameera has never touched her phone and she promised to stay away.
I just have to monitor her like a hawk.
Like yesterday, I couldn't concentrate, I kept writing falmata's name in every file I opened so I decided to go back home, just on my way in I met a package written to falmata on it.
After opening it, I realised it was a package of sweets and rose flower.
And a note which says.
Congrats bae, I knew you could do it.
I never doubted your capability.
I once told you hardwork can never go in vain.
We should celebrate it soon, you know.
Just you should know I got 222.
I hissed after reading the note.
How close they sounded disgusted me.
I knew it was non other than farouq.
How dare he gets the nerve to do something like this.
I took the package in and met falmata in our room.
Hey congrats "I said provocatively and threw the package at her.
When she read the letter she look at me and said.
"Mustapha I really had no idea he would send this , I just told him that....." shut up " I cut her off.
So you still are in contact with him, that's nice" I said and worked out.

So you still are in contact with him, that nice" he yelled and worked out on me.
I opened it, and the package was from farouq.
There was a note, a rose flower and a sweets.
It was my favourite sweet, as much as i would love to take some, I rather don't.
I threw the package into the bin we had in the room and walked up to mustapha.
Mustapha am sorry, I really am ,
Forget what I have being saying. I want to promise to you that,
I did no such thing and am incapable of doing so.
Don't you trust your Bama girl,
The girl you always thought is so naive and innocent,
How could she ever do this?" I asked.
Falmata, i want to.
I want to belive your innocence but you are making things harder than they really are for me.
Am given you the benefit of a doubt " he said and I felt lifted from the state of forlornness
Noticing how mustapha is in conflict with his mind made me to see things through his eyes.

Mustapha had finally gotten over it , or at least focus on much important things.
I too had learn to leave with this misunderstanding,
Deep down i knew sameera was behind everything.
I always pray to God to expose her and clear me in the sight of my hubby.
Sameera lately had been more kind and less hostile towards me , how could she not when she had successfully created a gab between us.

I finally had the courage to talk to farouq at school about the picture.
Of course he was mad, I didn't return his calls or messages, he was mad I zoomed him out of my life.
Only if I could tell him, it's for the good of my marital life, then he would understand, but I did no such thing but rather found away to explain my sudden distance.

Thank goodness he told me, he didn't open the picture when he realized it was inappropriate and deleted it immediately.
*I had no idea it was you * he said.
Of course it wasn't me* I lied.
* I wanted to send Maryam the picture, to choose. ..* forget it , I stated.
So I sent it to you, by mistake because you know I saved your name as range of my besties * I winked.
*Am relief knowing, you are brought up better than that * he said.
We chit chatted and they were jokes thrown out.
We chuckled, i laughed till my cheeks hurt.
I said my finally goodbyes to farouq, because I was sure i wouldn't be returning to school anytime soon.
I had it on the back of my mind that i would only return to write my waec exams.
I had the school give me a sick leave.
Of course, he was sad about the news but he wished me a quick recovery though he sound suspicious of the fact that I look healthy, only underweight though.
After that day, I hadn't step a foot back at school.
I told mum and Dad , *that we finished our syllabus and only student lagging behind academically that are encouraged to go, of course with the exception of fanna's class.
What schools of today's are becoming * sighed mum.
*But that's a great idea * exclaimed Dad.

Months have passed since the incident.
Shettima was my greatest ally and we bonded even more.
He brought interesting stories about school and I always accompany him to the park, like he likes to say it *you are accompanying me and not taking me*.
Mustapha was glad I do not go to school, if anything he's relieved knowing I wouldn't be spending any minute of the day with that scoundrel , as he likes to call farouq. Only if he knows farouq meant well, then he would learn to appreciate him like I did.
Mustapha brought me alot of text books, and even got me a private tutor just to encourage me into preparing for my waec.
He had forgiven me, he's actions screams so.
It's been months, months of me locking my feels within, pretending everything is alright.
I had become pale and week.
Mum thought I was distressed and worried out because of waec.
she thought I lost my focus, I wallow in my thoughts all because of my upcoming exams.
She even had to warn me to stop over thinking it or else I would fall sick.

I had apologise to falmata a hundred and one times if not more already.
I hadly apologise because I had found her innocent, No because I was guilty of the way I had reacted , like a mad dog.
Deep down i know she's innocence.
I left work early , and grabbed a tulip bouquet on my way back, it was one of my habit which I had thrown to the conner lately.
I brought the tulip for my wife, just to prove to her I had moved on, to prove to her the past, is right where it belongs behind us.
Every day, I keep on praying deep down that sameera isn't behind this.
But seen the way she's behaving towards falmata now made me eradicate any seed of doubt in me for her.
I walked to our room and falmata wasn't there , so I decided to check her at mum and Dad's qauters, where she spents most of her time now a days with shettima.
Shettima told me his Anty is preparing something sweet for him and plain spaghetti with meat balls for me. He even had to poke me.
Naughty boy, I sworn.
I left the sitting room and headed for the general kitchen were i spotted falmata.
Hey, I greeted but my greetings weren't reciprocated.
That's when I learned she was lost in what she was doing.
My eyes followed her gaze and realise it was on what she was doing.
She was chopping carrot on the chopping board.
I noticed blood , dripping over the chopping board and that's when I realised she is absent-mindedly doing so.
Probably lost In her thought.

With lurv;
Carltumee 💋

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