"It was the night before had to leave for the states." I explained to them. "I swear I think we both wished it could've happened overseas in some place romantic but we just couldn't wait." I smiled.
"No way." Vanessa said and Ashely nodded her head in agreement.
"How did you feel? Were you scared?" Ashely questioned.
"I would be lying to you if I said I wasn't." I admitted shyly. "But he was so gentle." I said.
After Zayn and I were together for the first time, all I wanted was to be with him all the time. I don't know what it was about us being together that just made me addicted to his touch. I wanted it all the time. I loved the way he handled me with such care yet with such rough intensity. When he loved, he did it passionately. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, and he was raw with his emotions at such a vulnerable state.
"You both make the cutest couple." Vanessa smiled.
"Yeah way better than they ever could, well from what she's told us-..." Ashely said carelessly.
Vanessa nudged her to stop her from saying anything more. "Ash." She scolded her.
"Who are you talking about?" I grew curious. "Who's she?" I questioned.
" Nobody." Vanessa smiled.
"Yeah..." Ashely scoffed. "Selena don't listen to me." She lifted her shoulder's carelessly.
"Ashely." I grow serious. "Who are you talking about?" I questioned again and Vanessa's eyes widen as she glances over at Ashely whom I wait for an answer.
Zayn's Point of View

Jackie was crying in my arms as we leaned against the sofa, and I caressed her arms to calm her down. I have never seen Jackie cry like this. Many things were running through my head, and the possibilities for her tears got me thinking why she was like this. Maybe someone really did do something to her and she didn't want to tell me because she was afraid to? Or maybe her parents death was finally hitting her? It would be merely impossible but at her parents funeral a few years ago she cried but I don't think she had processed it all the way that they were truly gone, and it was all coming together now?
It was be understandable because Jackie had hit a few milestones in her life and her parents weren't here to see it. Not that she ever had a great relationship with them but once upon a time, in another life I am sure Jackie wished she did. Jackie had truly felt a mother's love with my own mum, the only one who's truly been attentive to Jackie's feelings and achievements when her own parents weren't.
I was worried because I knew Jackie had bottled up emotions of her past, but she was strong willed in anything she set her mind to. There were always misconceptions about who Jackie was in high school and everyone thought they had her figured out. She had it all, her beauty which any guy who dated her would be lying if they said they didn't noticed that from her right off the bat. Her body, and I had seen that first hand. Jackie was my first, and she truly was the total package, any guy would be lucky enough to fall in love with her. However, besides all of that, Jackie had brains and feelings, and people just read her wrong because of her exterior. She was the smartest person, I have ever known in my entire life.
"Jackie you have to tell me what's wrong or else I can't help you." I said as she sniffled wiping her tears, and sitting up beside me. "Is something going on?" She nodded her head side to side denying my suspicions. I clicked my teeth. "You can't possibly expect me to believe that?" I said. "Just give me a name, I will find him." She stayed quiet and didn't say anything else. "Jackie as fucked up as this might sound...you're like a sister to me and you expect me to believe that you're alright after you broke down in tears right in front of me?" I exclaimed.
"Just drop it ok?" She sad wiping her tears with her fingertips. "No one did anything to me." She denied once again.
I was growing frustrated and I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Jackie-..." I began once more.
"I want to thank you for all the these years of friendship." She says suddenly and I frown confused at her words. "Truly I do, because without you or your family I don't know where I would be." She sniffles. "As fucked up as this may sound even your father had an influence on me, you might hate him but I see him I'm a totally different light that you do. I don't know any other father figure but him." She nods her head side to side. "Besides Levi, you are the only one who truly knows me for me." She explains. "We're alike in many ways, and you know exactly what makes me tick, what I like what I dislike-..." She nods her head. "But there's going to come a time in your life where you're going to have to move on..."
"Jackie what are you saying right now?" I exclaim, she's talking to me as if she was going to do something and there's no going back from it. "Seriously Jaqueline, the way you're talking right now....I'm thinking the worst." I don't even want it to cross my mind.
"No, no, no." She says. "It's nothing like that." She gives me a small smile and my tension eases. "I'm just saying life is going to take us places and you won't always be there for me." She admits. "It's clear you and Selena are taking this relationship seriously." She explains. "Where does that leave me? I can't just third wheel my whole life?" She says. "One day you and Selena might want to take it to the next level and I can't just be attached to you like I have always been, Selena might not say anything right now, but sooner or later she will grow annoyed of my presence." She explains her thoughts to me.
I nod my head side to side at her words. "Jaqueline listen to me." I said and she turned her head to look her at me. "You and Levi are all I have." I tell him. "Especially you, you're the only one who's been there with me through thick and thin, help me see things a whole new perspective." I explained to her. "For fucks sakes Jackie you took my virginity." I chuckle, and she smiled. "Where ever I go, you will go with me" I said to her. "If you need help, I will help you get wherever you need to go." I smiled. "Selena understands that, she knows that perfectly well." I said. "You have nothing to worry about because she's not Lucy, fucking forbid."
"So she's totally cool with you being here right now with me even after you told her, you and I used to fuck around?" Jackie raised her eyebrow.
I scoffed. "I have yet to tell her." All Jackie could do is sigh and nod her head side to side at my words.
Selena's Point of View

The conversation we were having when from being semi interested to very interesting, because Vanessa and Ashely were acting strange. I didn't understand what was going on but by the looks of it, Ashely said something Vanessa did not what me to know. "What is this about? Why the secrecy? I questioned and eyed them weirdly.
Vanessa smiled and brushed the atmosphere off. "It's literally nothing." She said and Ashely nodded her head.
"Yeah Selena, don't mind me." She lift her shoulders carelessly.
"You both are suppose to be two of my good friends, and you're gonna starting acting like this around me now?" I said almost annoyed. "We used to tell each other everything." My phone vibrated and it was text message from Zayn saying that he was here at the dorms visiting Jackie to meet him there when I was done here, and it looks like I was done here. I clicked my phone to sleep and stood up from the bed where I was sitting at. "Whatever I guess."
"Wait Selena." Ashely said. "Ok I'll you." She said picking at her nails. "There's this girl in my math class who is so fucking annoying, I had to work with her once on this power point due a few weeks ago, and all she could talk about was how her and her boyfriend did this and that, and it was annoying, I couldn't wait for it to done." She admitted.
"Oh yeah." Vanessa chimed in. "You did tell me about her."
Looking at them weirdly, I nodded my head up and down slowly. "Then why were you acting weird about it?" I questioned their behavior.
"Because Selena, you know I am not that kind of person." Ashely said. "I don't like to hold resentment towards anyone, that's not me." She nodded her head side to side.
"Besides, our only focus today was you, since it's been so long since we talked. Sorry for being weird." Vanessa admitted. "Forgive us?" She said opening her arms and wiggling her fingers.
I smile giving in. "Ok." I say. "But remember, I am here for you guys, we may not agree on this but I'll listen to you." I smile.
"A refresher is nice, thanks Selena." Ashely smiled.
I picked up my bookbag and sighed. "Well I have to go, Zayn is here and I have to go meet him." I said to them. "See you both around ok?" I said walking off towards the door.
Vanessa and Ashely smiled. "Bye Selena." They said and I closed the door behind me to go meet him a floor down, by Jackie's dorm.
I made my way down the stairs and smiled at girls who walked passed me that I knew from the classes that I took. I made down the hallway and as I was coming up to Jackie's dorm room Zayn was coming out. He smiled when he saw me and pressed his lips against mine wrapping his arms around me in the process. "I hope the meeting with your father went ok." I said to him, giving him a bit of encouragement.
"It was whatever." He lifted his shoulders carelessly. "Nothing new ever comes out of his mouth." He said.
I didn't say much else, and eyed Jackie's dorm. "Is Jackie alright?" I questioned.
He sighed and I grew concerned. "She broke down crying in my arms, and then thanked me for all the years of friendship she and I had." He explained.
My eyes widen. "What? It sounds serious, did you leave her alright?"
"She says nothing's wrong." He lifts his shoulders. "But I don't believe it for a second." He admits his thoughts. "Baby, she broke down crying in my arms." He explains.
"Oh my god." I said crossing my hands over my chest, concerned. "Did she say anything else that concerned you?" I question.
"She's feelings self-conscious right now..."He trails off. "She told me that even though you don't show it now, you'll get annoyed of her presence sooner or later in our relationship." He explained.
I nod my head side to side. "Why would she feel that way? I understand what she means to you and her friendship to you as well, plus I like talking to her." I encourage. "Why would she feel that way?" I say concerned of Jackie's thoughts. "I would never try destroying something like that, it's not even my intention at all." I defend.
"I know, I know baby." He said embracing me and kissing the top of my forehead. "I explained everything to her, but I think she was trying to tell me something else." He admits.
"What do you think happened while we were gone?" I question.
"My guess is someone said something to Jackie that's got her all self-conscious and she's starting to doubt to herself, for whatever reason." He explained.
"Did she say who it was?" I question.
"No she didn't tell me." He nods his head side to side. "But when I find that piece of shit, he's going to want to eat his fucking words." He stated in a serious tone. "Jackie has her moments and I know her, but she's not like this, the way she was talking to me, made me think she was gonna end it..." He trailed off not wanting to finish his last sentence. "I will find him, whoever he fucking is." He stated.

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