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Setting: December 20, 1996; Slughorn's party, Harry's p.o.v.

I arrive to the party with Luna on my arm; upon looking around, I don't see Jemi anywhere and Romula seems to be deliberately trying to get shamus to make something explode. I see Zambini with Daphne Greengrass and the Carrow twins seem to have brought each other, Ginny's with Dean and that Bobbin girl seems to have brought herself. I would've thought Jemi would've come with Malfoy...I go to look for her, only to be pulled away into a photo with Slughorn. I keep smiling even after the picture ends and he walks away...

"Drink?" Someone asks me

"Neville," I say in surprise when I find him with a serving tray

"I didn't get into the Slug Club," he says as I look him over, "it's okay though," he says quickly, "he's Belby handing out towels in the loo."

"Ok, well I'm fine mate, thanks," I tell him with a smile

"K," he says starting to walk away

"Neville?" I stop him in his tracks, "you haven't seen Jemima have you?"

"No, sorry," he says, "you could try asking one of the Slytherins."

"Thanks," I say letting him go on

I glance around for her again before spotting Hermione go behind a curtain and I follow after her in curiosity as to what she's even doing...

"Hermione," I whisper as I step behind the curtain, "what're you doing? And what happened to you?"

"No, I've only just escaped," she says, "I mean," she says correcting herself, "left Cormac under the mistletoe."

"Cormac," I breath, "that's who you invited?"

"I thought it would annoy Ron the most," she tells me

We glance through the curtain as Slughorn has a picture done with Zambini...I wonder if he knows where Jemima is or maybe I should ask Daphne...

"He's got more tent I also than a snuffilard plant," Hermione tells me

"Dragon tarttar?" Theodore Nott asks coming behind the curtain

"Oh no, I'm fine thank you," Hermione whispers

"Just as well," he says, "they give one horribly bad breath."

"Huh," Hermione sighs, "on second thought," she says taking the entire tray from him
(3rd person p.o.v.)

Theodore Nott leaves and Hermione starts to stuff her face with the dragon tartar as they both watch the party going on outside the curtains...

"Might keep Cormac at bay," she says shoving one in her mouth, "oh god, here he comes."

Hermione quickly hands the tray to Harry and duck out from behind the curtain with Harry as a shield, and as she does so, Cormac enters through the curtain...

"I think she just went to powder her nose," Harry says lying

"Slippery minx your friend," Cormac tells him

He says something incoherent as he shoves some of the dragon tartar into his mouth and then gets a retched look on his face and looks down at the tray...

"What is this?" Cormac asks

"..." Harry look at the tray, then at Cormac, "Dragon balls."

Suddenly Snape appears before them and Cormac pukes all over Snape's shoes as Harry fiddles with the curtains and tries to sneak away...

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