Pink Toad Walking

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Setting: The great Hall, Jemima's p.o.v.

     We parted ways with Luna, and went to our own tables; like many times before, I sit alone at the Slytherin table as the sorting comes and goes and the feast begins...

"Good evening children!" Dumbledore starts and we all quiet down, "now we have two changes in staffing this year!"

"What else is new?" I mumble to myself as I pull out my book

"We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grumblyplack, who will be taking care of magical creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave," he says

"What?" I whisper to myself in confusion

"We also like to welcome our new defense against the dark arts teacher: Professor Delores Umbridge," he contras he points out what looks like a toad in pink sitting next to Snape, "I'm sure you'll all join me in wish the professor good luck. As usual our care taker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you..."

     He stops short as the pink toad clears her throats, stands and starts this for real right now? How dare this toad interrupt Dumbledore...

"Thank you, headmaster," she says as she walks towards him, "for those kind words of welcome," she continues as she stands in front of him, "and how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces..." wish I could say the same about you, "smiling at me, " I look around:no one is smiling, "I am sure we're all going to be very good friends..." not likely, " the ministry of magic, has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance," she says and her smile creeps me out, "although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school..." she says looking to Dumbledore, who bows, "progress," she continues, "for the sake of progress, must be discouraged..." the fuck is she talking about? "Let us preserve, what must be preserved; Perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that auto be prohibited."

     The room is silent and staring at her as she just stands there smiling at us in her over the top pink form before she starts walking back to her seat and Dumbledore encourages us to clap with him and thanks her before continuing on with what he had been saying before she had rudely interrupted in the politest way possible. After the feast, I spend some time with Myrtle before heading to the Slytherin dorm, all the upper hears are glaring at me as I enter and pass. I see copies of the Daily Prophet as I pass and I can feel anger that isn't my own but must be Harry's brewing inside of me...

"Well if it isn't the girl who was 'murdered by You Know Who last year' so says the boy who lies," comes Pansy's voice as I reach the stairs to the girls dorm

"..." I turn around and glare at her

"'re still here?" She says in pretend thought, "so then...'you know who' didn't kill you, which means he really is the boy who lies."

     I don't say a word, but instead charge at her, coil my hands around her neck as I knock her to the floor and start choking the life out of her. My legs straddled over stomach, no body says a word or moves as I chock her...

"I already told you that I don't need my wand to end you Pansy-ass," I snarl as her face starts turning colors, "say what you want about me pug face, I don't give a dam; but say one more word about Harry," I warn as I let go of her wind pipe, "and I'll make it so you can never speak again."

     After that, I get up as she coughs and gasps for air; a glare on my face, I look around the room at everyone else still looking at us...

"Anyone else have something they wanna say about my brother?" I challenge, "no?" No one speaks, "then let's keep it that way, shall we?" With that said, I continue heading for bed
(That night, Draco's p.o.v.)

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