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Setting: after the second task; Hospital Wing, Harry's p.o.v.

     After an odd conversation with Mr. Crouch and Moody's in put, I hurried to Jemima's side in the hospital wing only to find Malfoy there by her bedside...

"I thought I warned you to stay away from Jemi, Malfoy," I snarl

"Sigrid told me to come Potter," he sneers back

"Find," I say, "you came, now leave."

"Did you know?" He asks ignoring me

"Know what?" I ask coldly

"About..." he trails off

"She didn't tell me if that's what your asking," I say, "I found out when she was crying her eyes out in Gryffindor tower over you asking Pansy to the Yule Ball; she wasn't planning on telling anyone."

"Well now the whole bloody school knows don't they?" He asks annoyed

"Like you have any right to be upset with her," I argue

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy," Madam Pomfrey says as she enters, "your both here..."

"How she; how's the baby?" I ask quickly

"As you can see she hasn't woken up yet," Madam Pomfrey says, "the child however, I'm sad to say..." her voice goes low with sadness, "took in too much water and did not make it."

"No," I hear Malfoy whisper

"I know Jemi wanted to be surprised," I start, "but what was it?"

"It was a girl," Madam Pomfrey says with a sad sigh, "I'll need both you boys to leave while I remove it from Ms. Potter's womb."

     Malfoy stands abruptly and walks out, I follow feeling a pain in my chest for my sister's loss and the fact that she still doesn't know. Malfoy punches the wall once we get outside and slides down till he's sitting on the floor with his head hanging. I tell Sigrid, Periwinkle, and Romula when they come to visit Jemi as I make my way to Hagrid's in a now sour mood...
(Draco's p.o.v.)

     A girl...the baby was a girl, and this dam tournament killed her and put my lily-dove at risk of dying too...I could've lost them both. How could I have not noticed she was pregnant; how could I not have noticed for five months...then again, not much changed with her from what I saw. Why didn't she at least try to tell me about she lie unconscious in a dam hospital bed because of this dam tournament and she doesn't even know that it's dead. What am I supposed to say to her when she wake up, what do I do?

"You okay Draco?" Comes Sigrid's whispering voice as she sits down next to me on the floor

"No-I'm not sure how I feel about all this," I say quietly

"It's a lot to take in," she says with a heavy sigh

"Life sucks," the Lupin girl says sitting down on Sigrid's other side, "no doubt about that."

"How long did you three know?" I ask

"She found out about it back in November," Periwinkle says sitting down on my other side, "she was two month then; that's when she told us."

"..." I stare at the lot of them

"Friends keep each other's secrets Draco," Sigrid says

"We only told cause both their lives were in danger," Periwinkle adds

"Most of the secrets she can't tell you have to do with the three of us," Lupin adds, "just in case you were wondering."

"Or other students," Sigrid adds

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