Epilogue: The Last Train Ride

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Setting: Hogwarts express; secret keeper compartment, Jemima's p.o.v.

I sit listening to students of all ages and all house tell me about their grief and sadness and fears about the war that's vastly approaching us. Ravenclaw after Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff by Hufflepuff; the worst of them being Astoria and I have nothing I can say to comfort her because she's scared for what's coming, and worried for Draco just as I am. By the time I've finished listening to just about the entire train, we only have about a half hour left in the trip home. My compartment door suddenly slams open and Romula walks in...

"Is breaking the train door necessary?" I ask her

"I was walk pass Harry's compartment and over hear them talking about R. A. B," she snarls, "explain."

"It not my business to-" I start

"We're about to go to war feathers!" She snaps, "this isn't a time to be keeping certain secrets."

"..." I glare at her

"You should at least tell Padfoot and Fur if you won't tell me," she says, "it has to do with them after all."

"I will," I say

"I'd also tell Fur about the whole horcrux thing," she sighs, "lord knows I haven't a clue what that is, but knowing Sigrid, she will."

"What do you mean?" I ask confused

"Dumbledore tasked each Corsair with a task of utmost hush, hush importance," Romula says quietly, "we weren't supposed to tell anyone, not even each other."

"Then why're you tell me?" I hiss

"Think feathers," she whisper snaps, "why do you think Longtail's disappeared?: because of what he tasked her with..."

"..." I stare at Romula, "what do you mean Howler?"

"Dumbledore tasked Longtail with digging up any and ever tiny, little detail she could about lord no-nose..." Romula whispers, "my guess is that Longtail's dug up something no-nose wanted to remain hidden away and he had her delt with when she tried to dig further."

"..." I remain silent

"Fur was given the task of digging up all she could on Horcruxs," Romula adds as she gazes out the window to the darkening skies, "which of course she had help from Longtail, since their tasks kind of went hand in hand..."

"What's yours?" I ask

"Huh," she sighs heavily, "I was given two tasks," she says, "lucky me," she says with sarcasm, "recruit werewolves to fight for the side of good, and keep an eye on you. Seeing as my school days are at an end, I don't have to watch you anymore..."

"I would've thought Dumbledore would've asked Remus to do that," I say

"He thought I'd have an easier time winning them over because I'm younger," Romula tells me, "where're you staying this summer by the way?"

"I'm returning to the Dursleys' with Harry," I tell her

"Sorry," she mutters bitterly

"It's fine," I assure her

"I should get going..." Romula says standing, "gotta get my stuff together before we arrive...I'm sorry about...ya know, my granddad and all."

"See you soon Howler," I say as I stand to give her a hug

"Hopefully," she whispers as she hugs me back
(3rd person p.o.v.)

Once Romula leaves, their now being only about ten minutes left in the train ride to the London station; Jemima collects her things from the storage above and places it on the seat across from her. Her thoughts turn to all of her memories from over the years. Her hell before Hogwarts, discovering she had a brother, how she once found Draco to be the most annoying person ever. Her thoughts stop there though, and turn to worry and fear for him and his family, but mostly for him. She knew the familiar bad feeling in her gut and dreaded the on coming war; she tries hard to shake these from her thoughts as she walks down to Harry's compartment with her things.

"Harry," she says through the door before coming in

"..." the three Gryffindors stare at her

"I...may...know someone who can tell you..." she says nervous, "what you wanna know about-"

"You don't have to break your code Jemi," Harry tells her

"Yes," she sighs, "I do; I know someone who can inform you on both Horcruxs' as well as R. A. B."

"Who?" The three ask her in shock

"A relative of his," Jemima says

"R. A. B. is a man?" Ron asks

"Was," Jemima corrects

"Was?" Hermione repeats confused

"I don't know much about him," Jemima continues, "Fur refuses to talk about him-"

"Sigrid?" Harry asks, "Sigrid Black knows who R. A. B. is?"

"..." Jemima goes quiet and simply nods as the train finally pulls into the station, "ask her, but not Sirius-"

"Why not Sirius?" The three ask in unision

"Touchy subject," is all Jemima says before turning to go
(Harry's p.o.v.)

"Hang on!" I call after her as I follow quickly behind, "then how do you know?"

"Secret keeper!" She calls back

"Jemi," I call after her and she stops just short of the barrier

"..." she looks back at me

"I think it might be best if you stay with the Weasley's this time," I tell her

"Not happening," she declares, "I'm not leaving your side till this war is ended Harry and you have no say in the matter. I've already lost one friend, I'm not losing my brother too."

"Jemi," I sigh quietly

"And I refuse to spend our seventeenth birthday apart," she say with a very determined look

"Fine," I sigh

"Good," she says satisfied with herself, "now let's hurry so as not to keep them waiting."

I roll my eyes at her, if anything it the Dursleys' who'll keep us waiting and not the other way around; Jemi is the first to go through the barrier and I follow close behind after her...

"I'm sorry about Malfoy," I say quietly as we push our trolleys along

"Thanks," she tells me quietly, "I know you don't like him and all, but..."

"..." I glance at her as we take a seat to wait for the Dursleys'

"Huh," she sighs, "I won't defend his past with you Harry," she tells me, "or his reputation or even make excuses for him, but..."

"But..." I repeat

"He might be a git and a bully, but he is no murderer," she says, "that much I know."

"Alright Jemi," I sigh, "I believe you and full agree: Draco Malfoy is no killer."

"Harry?" She asks after a moment

"..." I look to her

"Do you really suppose we won't return to Hogwarts?" She asks

"I can't say for sure Jemi," I say as I pull her into a side hug, "but I do know that we won't be returning any time soon, that's for sure."

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