All Those Lost

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Setting: around the archway; 3rd person p.o.v.

"Dad are you alright?!" Sigrid asks as she runs to Sirius when all the other death eaters have finally either been knocked out or have left

"I'm alright Sigrid," he tells her

"Romula?!" Remus shouts looking around the room

"Over here daddy!" She shouts a she stands

"Are you alright cub?" He asks quickly as he pulls her into a hug

"I've been worse," she says hugging him back

"You kids had us worried," Tonks says

"Is everyone alright?" Shackbolt asks

"We have a head count of six," Moody grumbles

"What happened?" Tonks asks

"Bellatrix tried to kill dad," Sigrid says as tears start to trail her face

"But Feathers-Jemima, threw herself between uncle Sirius and the spell," Romula cries

"Periwinkle bite her before we came here right?" Neville asks

"Peri left when Fred and George did," Ginny sniffles a sob

"Besides," Hermione adds as she too cries, "it wouldn't have mattered if she had or one returns once they pass through the veil; it's an instant death to those who do."

"How did this happen?" Remus asks as he runs a hand down his face

"Harry saw-" Ron starts, "well, I'm not exactly sure what he saw...Hermione?"

"He saw Voldemort attacking Sirius in the room of prophecies," Hermione says, "threatening him to get Harry's prophecy for him-you refused-and then he killed you."

"Harry thought it was like the time he saw Mr. Weasley," Romula adds

"But you weren't here when we got here," Luna says

"The rest is fairly obvious," Sigrid says quietly, "ok," she says taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh before taking charge, "someone; anyone, I don't care who, get Dumbledore here."

"I'll do it," Sirius says before leaving

"Shackbolt," Sigrid says, "alert the minister about the mess in the death chamber."

"Right," he says before leaving

"Someone get word to the rest of the Order," Sigrid demands

"On it," Tonks says

"I'll get the auras," Moody says

"Fine," Sigrid agrees, "Uncle Remus, can you get word to Longtail and the twins?"

"Yes," he says before vanishing

"And I'll..." Sigrid falls short as she finds herself alone in the death chamber, "I'll stay to make sure these few death eaters don't go anywhere."

She pulls out her wand in case the knocked out death eaters wake up, and stops just in front of the veil to pick up the single dove feather from the ground as more silent tears slip down her face...
(Chasing Bellatrix LeStrange; Harry's p.o.v.)

"I killed the white dove!" Bellatrix chants at the top of her lungs as I chase after her, "hahaha! You going to get me?!"

I shout a spell as I run towards her, it hits her and I stand her pathetic form with my wand pointed at her face, she whimpers as I hold my wand before her. All my anger and pain from see Jemi actually die before my eyes channeled and ready to blow, but Voldemort gets into my head...

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