Intermission: Summer V

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(Don't play song till you reach Mid August part)

Setting: Beginning of July; A little cottage were Remus and Romula live, out in a country area...

We said our good byes to Mr. Lupin and it was set that I am to spend this summer holiday with Romula and my Godfather: Remus at their rather quaintly and charming abode. With all my stuff locked away at the Dursleys' along with Jareth and my clothes, Romula took to lending me her hand me downs that are too small for her. I find pleasure in conversations with both Lupins and took it upon myself to keep house for them; they tried to stop me, but I wouldn't listen. I even did the cooking-I find it to be a nice distraction from the random blows of depression I've been feeling-likely effects from the veil, as well as whatever Harry's feeling. I spend the full moons in my animungus form with the both of them, and keep Romula company when Remus has Order meetings to go to.

"Jemima!" I here Remus yell as I finish sewing up a hole in one of his jackets

"Hm?" I respond

"Where's my-" he cuts himself off as he enters and sees me finishing

"Good as new," I smile as I hold it up

"You really didn't have to-" he starts as he takes it back

"I want to," I smile, "it's a nice distraction; I also did the laundry, weeded the garden, watered the flower-"

"You did the laundry?" He asks going slightly red in the face

"Yes," I say as my eye vaulters to the floor, "sorry," I whisper, "it's been three years," I sigh, "I still some times think I'll wake up and everything that's happened will all have been a dear; that I'll still be stuck sleeping on a couch..." I start crying without even realizing it, " his bed," I whisper as I touch a hand to my eyepatch, "I-I-I..."

"It's alright, it's alright," he whispers as he hugs me, "you have nothing to apologize for Jemima," he says as I sniffle, "what happened to you was a traumatizing experience that never should've even occurred..."

"I KILLED HIM!" I snap as I sob harder, "I killed him with my bare hands, I'm a murderer; a monster."

"Stop it!" Romula snaps at me a glare in her eyes, "you're no more a monster than we are; I mean, we turn into giant bloody wolves for god sake! We run the risk of hurting the people we care about whether we mean to or want to; you, you did what you had to in self defense; to protect yourself..." she says calming down a bit, "and that bloody sicko deserved what he had coming to him if you ask me."

"That's enough cub," Remus tells her quietly as I sniffle while tears still stream down my face, "why don't I make some hot chocolate hm?"

"Okay," I whisper with a sniffle

"I'll make the s'mores!" Romula declares before racing to the tiny cottage kitchen

"She really does love chocolate," I laugh and sniffle

"She'd eat all the chocolate in the house if I didn't hide some of in places she knows she's not supposed to go in," he laughs, "we'll be spending your birthday at the Weasleys' burrow, is that alright?"

"I'd like that," I say quietly, giving a small smile as I play with my hands in my lap

Remus smiles back and heads for the kitchen as we hear a noise and Romula curse; feeling a wave of extreme sadness starting to hit me, I quickly pick up another article of Remus' clothes that had holes and start to thread the needle to sew it up. I wish I could forget ages seven to thirteen of my life; I wish I didn't have the horrible memories that I have...I wish they never happened. Why couldn't I have been left with Harry in our crib that night, why couldn't I have grown up with him instead of finding out he's my twin at the end of our first year? I don't even realize I'm crying again until I hear Romula gently talking to me...

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