Broken Hearts

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Setting: after the game; Gryffindor tower, Harry's p.o.v.

     Everyone is shouting and cheering for Ron and how he didn't let the Slytherins make a single goal, the only Slytherin that showed any proper sports edict about it, was Jemi. She's the only Slytherin we allow in Gryffindor tower, I'm so proud of her and Ron; she didn't let a single bludger get past her...

"You really should've done it," Hermione says to me

"I know," I say, "I suppose, I could've just used a confundus charm," I say looking to her

"That was different," she says wearily, "that was try outs, this was an actual game."

     I pull the liquid luck out of my shirt pocket and hold it up for her to see. She looks down at ind becomes shocked that it's still full and untouched...

"You didn't put it in," she says and I shake my head no as I put it back in my pocket and she looks back to Ron, "Ron only thought you did," she say and I nod before looking back over to him

     Everyone cheers as Lavender Brown pulls Ron to her and full on songs him; I glance over at Romula and Jemi as I her one of them mutter the words 'that bitch' then turn to Hermione, but she's already leaving.
(3rd person p.o.v.)

     Harry follows Hermione out of Gryffindor tower and Jemima follows him, they both look around and listen quietly for Hermione. They both hear her crying and slowly make their way down the spiral stairs to her where she has musical birds flocking around her as she cries...

"Charm spell," Hermione says sniffling

"Well they're really good," Harry says taking a seat next to her

"They're bloody brilliant," Jemima says siting on the other side of Hermione

"How does it feel Harry?" Hermione asks as she sobs, "when you see Dean with Ginny?"

"Oh um..." he starts, not sure how to answer

"I know," Hermione says, "I've seen the way you look at her."

"About bloody time too," Jemima mutters under her breath

"You're my best friend," Hermione says still crying

     Giggling suddenly comes from one direction and both Harry and Jemima look that way as both Ron and a very giddy Lavender come into view...

"Oops," Lavender says at the sight of Hermione, Harry and Jemima, "I think this rooms taken," she says smiling back at Ron and tries to pull him off back in the direction they came from but he stays

"What's with the birds?" He asks with a smile

"..." Jemima glares at him as Hermione stands up

"Oppugno," Hermione says

      The birds fly straight at Ron in attack, he runs and they all miss, hitting the wall behind him and turning to nothing more than feathers. Ron looks back at her in shock before going to find Lavender; Hermione breaks into tears again as she sits back down and leans on Harry's shoulder as she cries. Jemima's glare breaks as she leans in and hugs Hermione; Harry stares after where Ron had left before sighing and answering Hermione's earlier question...

"It feels like this," he says quietly

"It'll be alright Hermione," Jemima whispers soothingly

"Shouldn't you be getting back to your dorm Jemi?" Harry asks

"Yea, go," Hermione sniffles, "I'll be fine."
(Jemima's p.o.v.)

"Alright then," I say quietly, "I'll...just...go."

I walk towards the direction of Slytherin house, but stop at a window and stare out at the falling snow instead; I suddenly feel an unshakable loneliness fall over me, an urge to be alone. I make my way up to one of the many towers, only to find myself not alone; I find Draco there as well, leaning agents the snow covered railing. I silently walk up and stand next to him. I don't say a word and just let him stay with in his thoughts as I quietly watch the snow fall all around us; I never really understood why he starting wearing suits when he's not wearing his school uniform, but they do make him look dashing. I didn't see him at the game, but then again, I wasn't observing from my usual spot in the stands either and so I may have missed it if he was...

"What're you doing up here?" He asks pulling me from my own thoughts

"Watching the snow," I say quietly, "and wondering why you're up here all alone..."

"Thinking," he says, "that's all."

"Oh," I sip in a stiff breath, "Slughorn's having a party..."

"Oh?" He asks bitterly

"And members are supposed to bring a date..." I add

"Is that so?" He asks sounding far off and distant, like he's not even listening or hearing word I'm saying

"I was wondering if..." I start but stop when I find that he really isn't listening, "huh," I sigh, "I'm going to bed, good night Draco..."

"Night," he mutters, still not full paying attention to me

I walk back to the common room in time to see Blaise ask Daphne Greengrass to Slughorn's party and even the Carrow twins decided to go with each other. Romula told me that she plans to write Fred about going with her, but that she's just going to take Finnegan if he can't come; I swear I'm the only one without a date. I suppose I could ask Crabbe, but he's not even who I wanna go with...

"You alright Jemima?" Blaise asks breaking me from my thought

"I'm fine," I sniffle as I brush my tears away with the sleeve of my clothes

"No you're not," he says

"I don't wanna talk about it," I sob, "excuse me," I sniffle as I rush off to the girls dorm before he can ask anymore
(December 20, 1996: night of Slughorn's Christmas party; Slytherin common room, Draco's p.o.v.)

I come out of the boys dormitory at the same time a girl come out from the girls dormitory, looking to see who it is, and find Jemima standing there. My beautiful lily-dove dressed in a formal long sleeved lace green dress, with a skirt that comes to just above her knees. She wears black stockings and the same shoes she wore to the Yule Ball in fourth year, as well as the earring I gave her and the same necklace as well...

"You look gorgeous," I say sounding surprised, "what's the occasion?"

She stares at me blankly for a moment, her eye fills with hurt before she goes running off out the portrait hole to somewheres...

"Did I...miss something?" I ask as I see Blaise dressed up as well

"What did you say to her?" He asks me

"I just complimented her outfit and asked what the occasion was," I tell him still confused

"Slughorn's Christmas party," he tells me

"Oh," I say quietly, "I have to go..."

I make my way to the hall the leads to Slughorn's party, in hopes of catching Jemima, but she never passes through the hall; her brother and Loony Lovegood do though. Eventually I give up on waiting for her and head to the room of requirements; I remove the sheet from over the vanishing cabinet and start mending it. I place an apple inside and state the spell, when I open it again the apple is gone. I close the door once more, say the spell and then open it again to find the apple returned with a bite in it...

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