The Train

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Setting: September 1, 1994; Jemima's p.o.v.

"Time to go Jemi," Harry leans over the couch and whispers in my ear

     I don't say a word-to all those around me, I've completely shutdown-been this way ever since I learned that I have the dark mark on my left forearm. Charlie and Bill busted the bathroom door open before I could lose too much consciousness, Ginny got me out as quickly as possible and Hermione preformed C. P. R. on me until Harry was normal again...which meant that I was too. I awoke to find it late, dark and Harry asleep in front of the couch on the floor; I felt bad for putting him through that, but still wish they'd let me die. Harry has been sleeping on the floor next to the couch ever since my suicide attempt, and I can feel his worry as I know he can feel my depression. I don't bother moving, I don't wanna go back to school, I don't wanna know what this year entails anymore...I have a bad feeling in my gut about it all...

"Isn't she up yet?" I hear Hermione ask quietly

"Come on Jemi," Harry says quietly as he leans over the back of the couch again and shakes my shoulder, "we're going ta miss the train if you don't hurry up."

"Mm," I groan as I shrug him off and reluctantly sit up

All is quiet as everyone watches my ever move, being sure not to miss a single breath I take...god I hate the attention and to make matters worse, I haven't heard a word from Draco since the World Cup. I don't know why he's become so cold towards me all of a sudden, or what's going through his this it for our relationship? Are we over already and I don't even know it? I hope not, the very thought of him ending things and not at least telling me why only seems to make my heart sadder. My trunk having been packed for ages now, I grab it, as well as a muffin from a plate off the table, grab onto Charlie's arm-he was the closest to me-and wait to disapparate to Kings Cross Station. Soon enough we are all there and hurrying through the barrier of platforms nine and ten.

I hug Bill and Charlie goodbye, give Percy a firm hand shake just before being suffocated by Mrs. Weasley hugging me and a less so version from Mr. Weasley. I turn to my godfather, doing my best to crack a smile for him and he pulls me into a hug filled with a sense of safety, something I haven't felt in a while...

"Keep a close eye on her for me," he whispers in my ear: referring to Romula

"..." I glance up at him with unsureness in my eye

"What is it?" He ask quietly

"I-I have a b-bad f-feeling in m-my g-gut," I whisper

"Woo! Woo!" The train whistle blows

"Should you need anything," he says quickly, "send it through to Sigrid; I'll be staying with her."

I nod once in understanding before hurrying off towards the train as it blows once more for final boarders to hurry onto it. I find my usual compartment, with it's usually long line or students from every house; I stop at the door, turn to the lot of the line, and hold up a sign to them all, reading:

All first years to the front of the line; followed by second year's and up in year order as well as grouped in their houses. I will also be taking five minute breaks between each of the different years, during which times I ask that you all disburse to use the bathroom, get snacks, and change into your robes; please pass the word on down the line- thank you in advance.

With that I hand the second first year in line the sign, gesture for the first first year in the line to come in and so the logging of new students and their problems begins. I swear the amount of first years only seems to grow higher each new school year. It takes nearly two and half hours to get through them all; my short break, is just that: short as I soon find myself listening to the second years now...
(Some hours later: 3rd person p.o.v.)

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