First sight

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The second they were out, Laila got up from her seat and let out an exasperated, frustrated scream, some tears of frustration managing to escape from her eyes.

Why was Amina acting this way? All Laila had been was supportive of her ridiculous relationship. She'd been with her all along the way and she was willing to stick it with her through the end. Didn't Amina understand that she wasn't the only one making sacrifices? Laila had to lie to her parents almost every single day about where she was going and anyone that knew Laila knew that this was the toughest thing in the world for Laila to do. She loved her parents, more than she loved anyone. And lying to them was something that she wasn't used to and never wanted to get used to as well.

Yet she did it. Almost every day. Just so Amina wouldn't have to go to notorious places all by herself with a guy they barely knew. One month was hardly enough to know a person thoroughly.

Didn't she understand that? Didn't she see Laila was risking as much or even more at that, than Amina was? Was she so blinded by Hassan that she'd forgotten that Laila was her best friend, her soul-sister?

The front door opened. And closed. But Laila remained completely oblivious to the intruder in the room. The noise in her head drowned out the noise of the door. She was too busy with her mental musings to keep track of her surroundings.

Was Amina so in love with Hassan that she had forgotten her love for Laila? A fresh set of tears invaded Lailas eyes at the crazed thought.

The sound of her ragged breaths and the storm of emotions and thoughts going on inside her head were too loud for her to hear the steps that were approaching her.

Her mind was too pre occupied with raging thoughts of her and Amina's disintegrating friendship that she didn't notice the presence right behind her.

Maybe she was being over dramatic. Maybe a couple of arguments and heated moments did not deserve her freely flowing tears and the tirade of ugly scenarios that her mind was presenting her with. Maybe, despite these recently tumultuous weeks, their friendship would survive.

Of course it would survive! What was she even thinking? This was Amina she was talking about, not just one of her random college friends that she had made merely so that her time at her college could pass just that much quicker. This was Amina, her childhood best friend, her partner in crime, her soul sister. Nothing had ever gotten in their way, and Laila desperately wanted to believe that Hassan would not either.

She shook her head, wiped the tears off of her splotchy face and was about to turn around and go back to her seat when she heard someone clearing their throat accompanied with a deep, throaty male voice saying,

"I wouldn't stand there if I were you."


Cliffhanger! :D you'll be meeting a new, very special character soon :D

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