Chapter Three

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Hello again,

I am sorry for taking so long to update but I have been a bit busy.

I dedicate this story to all of you who have decided to keep openning this story.

I'm still doing exams so I am sorry that it is not as good as always...

PS: After much thought and yes some comments have made think about it, I need a new cover and if anyone can help suggest where I can get help with that I would gladly appreciate it. Another thing is you could give suggestions for the cast so far if you can. Only Ashlan is not up for suggestion, I am thinking hard of who could play her.

Thank you as always

Samuel S B

Here it is part three of Journal of the Eldest

Chapter Three

I was up on my feet before I had fully thought about it. My sight was perfect, more perfect than it had ever been.

"Ashlan." It was that voice again. I knew it.

"Khanaika," I croaked. My voice was different, completely different. I could hear the difference through the strained croak. "Drink…I need…drink."

"What does she need?" Nubit came into my view. She had a deep gush on her arm. As soon as I saw the blood, I had the other woman in my arms. My own strength surprised me. Nubit screamed as I held her. Even though I wanted to stoop, there was no way I was able to stop myself. My mouth seemed to water as the blood touched my skin and I could not tear my eyes away from the blood.

"Quiet," I whispered to Nubit.

"Great lady help me," Nubit shrieked.

I hated her scream. It was distracting me. My hand moved to her throat and squeezed until she was unable to scream. She squirmed in my grasp. Something painful shot through my mouth as my head neared the gush on Nubit's arm. I ignored it or at least my attention was elsewhere.

"Ashlan put her down," Khanaika said.


"She's your aunt."

Something inside of me recognized the old woman's words. But why couldn't I heed them. Something else was driving me. Something far much stronger was forcing me not to listen to the other part inside of me. "I can't stop it," I said in a strained voice.

"What does she need?" I had not realized that I had loosened my grip on Nubit. "I made a promise and if I am what she wants, so be it."

"I don't want you Nubit," I whispered. "I want what is inside of you."

"What do you mean child?" Khanaika asked me.

"I don't," I hesitated. "I don't know."

I felt Nubit's free arm force my head lower until my mouth was an inch away from her bleeding arm. I lost it at that moment. I could not help myself. I bit down on her arm and begun sucking it in. I gulped down her blood like it was the freshest water in the entire village. I ignored the screams coming from Khanaika.

Memories of a life that was not mine flashed through my mind. I saw two small girls playing in the fields of plush grass with the herds. I saw the day the man I once called father set his eyes on one of the girls. Wait, I thought. Why am I seeing all this? Even worse, why am I drinking Nubit's blood?

"Stop," Khanaika yelled. She tried to loosen my hold on Nubit. I shoved her away, sending her crashing into the pots. I concentrated on the woman in my arms, drinking her blood wantonly and not caring a single thing of the images flashing through my mind. I felt her heart begin to give way. She was at her end. At that point I withdrew and looked at her.

Journal of the EldestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang