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I am really really sorry for taking so long to upload. I have been a little busy and had to force out time to write this story in bits and pieces. I had a flood of directions to take and I hope this is the right one. Please leave a comment and vote for this chapter and if you have not read the previous three maybe you should give them a try. BTW I still need your help with the characters bit but mostly in this chapter.

Thank you so much for taking a look at this, I really appreciate it with all my heart.

Samuel S.B.

Now on to the continuation. There is a huge gap from the last night to where I am starting from but that is where I feel most comfortable starting our story. The real story and plot is going to start from right here. The three chapters was my way of showing you all a little bit of her history.Thank you very much again and enjoy. Journal of the Eldest Chapter 4 1702




A little girl streaked past me as I walked along the streets of the Manor Road. I smiled as the night time air brushed up along my alabaster skin. It was mid evening and I had enjoyed the last few hours wondering the streets of London. I had been awake from around five. The sun is the only thing I still fear these days and I can only take the late afternoon or early morning streaks of sunrise or sunset.

I smiled to myself as another of her friends run past me. The little boy held a snow ball in his hands. I missed that freedom; the freedom of being a child; freedom of playing around without a care. But no, that is not for me anymore. Years have passed by; decades; centuries; millennia have actually passed by me and there was nothing I could do about it.

Something drew me off Manor Road to the Thames. In all my years on earth, I had come to love water. It is not because a decade ago I discovered I could control water to a small extent. I leaned over the rails and looked over the Thames. I stared at the fish that weaved their way through the mighty river.

"Where are you?"

This was one of few things I loathed about being what I am, is that small piece of connection I can have with someone I turned. I thought I had blocked them out but then again, it is Marco. He is the creative one and he always found a way past my barriers. Yes, I discovered that I could turn other people into what I was a century too late to save the only person I really cared for, Khanaika.

My mind went back to the day the old frail woman had passed into the netherworld. She had left me all alone in the world; unable to understand what or who I was anymore. That was the first time and last time I had cried as a monster. Khanaika had taught me everything I knew about myself up to that instant. I was what people would like to call a vampire. She was there when some of my powers begun to show up; the control of fire, water and to a small extent air; the flying gift; hypnosis among other things. The list is endless and I knew there were more powers still inside of me and most of them would blossom in time. It was Khanaika that made me realize I was not the worst monster that would ever walk the earth. She always made me feel normal but she too had to go to the underworld.

On that fateful day, I had emerged from my hiding place, early in the night. I sensed Khanaika's unease and rushed to her side. You must understand how horrified I was when I found her on her bed with the worst fever ever. She had comforted me all night and when I went back to hide from the dangerous sunlight during the day, I knew I would not find her alive.

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