24: Wounds

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HAHAHA WE'RE SORRY BUT NOT REALLY THIS ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE! (and for you new readers, us two authors posted a prank chapter saying we were discontinuing this story)


The room turned cold as a dark aura enveloped both Irina and Nagisa.

"I. Don't. Care. If. You. Kill. People." She said, punctuating her words. "I want my son back. Right. Now." The force of her words could kill somebody, a sharp knife that lodged in their throats.

"Sorry, but customer service is closed for today." He replied, his teeth shining as the thick oozing blood formed into a Koshirae, a blade that Irina recognized that sat on the walls of one of her targets mansions. She stared with wide eyes as the tentacles finished their transformation, and she couldn't help but be surprised. Controlling a person after death was surprising enough, creating weapons out of nowhere was crossing the line of reality and into some fantasy television show.

Taking out her own knife, Irina watched as Karasuma laid Karma against the wall, bringing several of his hidden weapons into play, including his gun and a long dagger. Karma realized just how prepared they had come compared to him, cursing himself for not bringing any more weapons.

Nagisa didn't seem to realize how serious the situation was at hand, smiling right back at them. It began to dawn on Karma that Nagisa was ignoring him, and although Karma held onto the feeble hope that Nagisa still cared for him, he knew it was a mere illusion and the more likelihood was that Nagisa wasn't going to waste his time on somebody in his state.

He obviously hadn't recovered nearly enough for a fight, but he could at least muster a few words.

"W-" He coughed. "Wait. Nagisa! Please..." He managed a few frail syllables that formed even more delicate words, the sounds tripping out of his mouth clumsily.

Nagisa's eyes filled with light for a moment as he dropped his stance by the slightest millimeter.

"Karma..." Nagisa looked right at his lover before he began a coughing fit which somehow ended up evolving into a fit of villainous laughter, his shoulders shaking as his eyes gleamed hungrily.

And that was when the gates of the underworld roared open, an angry mass of pure hell escaping from its prison.

The dark aura increased around Nagisa, the air becoming as thick as the blood he shed.

"Aww, such a shame. Poor Karma can't accept death without some cheesy cliche ending, now can he?" Nagisa's smirk widened, and that's when several dark globules flew past Karma. He watched as Karasuma was slammed in the chest, Irina was grazed along her cheekbone, little pricks of blood gathering as it beaded and dripped down her cheek, and Misui was completely and thoroughly stabbed in the thigh. A small blob hit him along his throat, and he felt as if something was building in his trachea, his voice feeling empty as his tongue moved across the top of his mouth.

Irina didn't even bother reaching up to touch the fresh wound and blood, and she certainly wasn't going to allow Nagisa another round of shots, taking the first swipe for his sensitive scales. He dodged it by a hair, his eyes never leaving Irina's as Karasuma appeared behind him, his black tie swinging with his movements. Attempting to trip him, Nagisa foresaw the attempt and repositioned his blade, striking it down, forcing Karasuma to stop his offensive maneuver unless he wanted to be stabbed in the leg.

The blade cut through the ground, the wretched noise like nails on a chalkboard, and Nagisa removed the weapon as Irina attempted to slash down with her knife. Nagisa grabbed her wrist and twisted it painfully, forcing her to release her hold on it, the weapon clanging on impact as she was kicked in the stomach.

The Serpent Inside (A Karmagisa Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant