3: Nagisa

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"Nagisa's back."  

Nakamura froze as she took in the words.

"H-How do you know? Did he..." She stuttered.

"Luckily he hasn't killed anyone... yet."

"He's after Kaede, isn't he?"

"We think so. She and Hayami-chan were out when Hayami-chan saw him and pulled Kayano-chan away before Nagisa did anything."

Nakamura took in a deep breath before collecting her thoughts and forming words.

"She'll be at your place, right? I'll be there in 10 minutes."

With that she hung up and ran to Karma's large house, just to see Hayami and Kayano as they entered the front door.

"Hayami-chan, Kaede, hey." She walked over as they all stepped inside.

"Hello Nakamura-chan." Hayami greeted as they shut the door.

"Catch, Hayami-chan." Karma walked in and threw Hayami a gun. Hayami took the familiar object and put it in her pocket.

"Probably won't do you much good but it's better than nothing." Karma sighed as he passed out knives to Kayano and Nakamura.

"We aren't going to hurt him!" Nakamura exclaimed.

"You think I'm going to! I love him for crying out loud! I could never hurt him, but he can hurt all of us. We don't know where he's been but we know what he's been doing! If it all goes to hell you can stall him for a little while!" Karma began yelling.

Nakamura let out a breath and nodded, putting the knife in her jacket.

"Since we know he's after Kayano-chan, we can wait here until he comes, and we can try and get him back." Karma reassured himself as he set up places for everyone to wait for the impending attack.

It was already beginning to get dark, so Hayami took it upon herself to lock the doors and windows.

"I'll take first watch. You guys can rest for a bit." Karma declared as he got his drab kitchen knives ready.

Nakamura took Kayano to the deepest room, which had no windows and only one door, which Karma stood right outside of and Hayami had locked on the inside.

Karma really hated that clocks ticked. They told him each second was passing, and he just wanted Nagisa to come already.

Everyone had decided to wait for two hours before Hayami took guard.

One hour and fifty minutes later, two slitted yellow glowing eyes pierced through the darkness at the end of the hall.

"Nagisa..." The word came out breathily, as though the wind had been knocked out of Karma.

Karma took a few tentative steps forward, though Nagisa well over twenty steps away.

"Karma, let me through to her." Nagisa's orders were firm, and Karma felt the urge to simply obey and let Nagisa kill his friend, but his mind fought over the blind sensation and took over, clearing the fog away.

"Nagisa just stay with me."

"Stay with you?" Nagisa's eyes took a greener hue as blue began to seep back in, although the yellow was still much more prominent.

"Yes, stay, stay here, come back to school, be my boyfriend again." Karma offered Nagisa his hand as he took a few more steps forward.

More blue seeped into Nagisa's eyes, but his venomous expression told Karma the snake was still in command.

"I can't. Sensei told me I can't just leav-"

"Whoever is teaching you isn't the one you should be listening to. Listen to your heart, come back to me. It's been two years, but I still love you Nagisa. Do you love me?" Karma begged, now standing right in front of the blue headed assassin, his eyes a beautiful cerulean.

"I-I..." Nagisa's eyes flooded with concern and iciness as he prepared a lie. "I don't know."

"Then let me convince you." Karma wasted no time in using his outstretched hand to grip Nagisa's forearm as the other wrapped around his neck and proceeded to lightly push Nagisa's lips to his own.

Sparks ran down Nagisa's spine as he remembered the nipping taste of fresh snowfall and strawberry that resided upon Karma's lips.

Karma broke the kiss and looked deep into Nagisa's eyes.

"Do you have an answer now?"

Nagisa nodded, teary eyed.


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