Chapter 12: Compromising

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Chapter 12: Compromising

After teasing Anna for her naïveté for a few minutes, Änna calls Grover back into the room for dinner. As we watch some stupid reality show that Anna is addicted to, Grover's phone rings and he disappears into the hall to answer it. The show ends with Anna yawning and stretching at her end of the couch.

"Go to bed, Luna,"I say, throwing a pillow at her.

She doesn't bother responding, just flips me off and disappears into the bedroom. I flip through the channels settling on a rom-com that I can practically quote. Gannon has been remarkably quiet today but I know that he and Townsend spent the last few days unsuccessfully tracking one of the rogues. I am bored.

Grover slams the door open and chucks his phone against the wall.

I jump. "Moons! Grover, Anna is sleeping! Or at least she was!"

"Sorry," he mutters and throws himself into a chair. He buries his head in his hands, the tension rolling off of him in waves. I walk over and pick up his phone. Apparently (and luckily for Grover), the life-proof case is also werewolf-proof and the screen is uncracked. I set it down beside him and curl back up on the couch.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Fine," Grover bites out.

"Anything I can help with?"

Grover looks up and meets my eyes. He takes a deep breath and blows it out. "I'm sorry. It's nothing. Ed is apparently getting antsy without me in the office. Our priorities are not exactly aligning."

I nod. "Sounds like you could use a break."

Grover rolls his eyes. "Yeah, right."

"Come over here and I'll rub your shoulders," I offer.

Grover shoots me a glare. "Kitten, the last thing I need is for the Luna to walk in on us."

I fold my arms over my chest and pout. "Come on, I'll keep it strictly platonic. If Anna walks in, she won't jump to any conclusions. She would always rub my shoulders after a long week of training. We're all friends. That's all she'll think."

He doesn't look convinced so I try another tactic. "Besides, if you throwing your phone through the wall didn't wake her up, nothing will."

"I didn't throw it through the wall," he mutters. He studies me and then glances at the door separating Anna from the two of us. He sighs again before moving to sit on the couch beside me.

I behave myself for about ten minutes. Ten minutes of rubbing my hands all over his lean, muscular shoulders, and down his long back. Ten minutes of smelling him, pressing my body up against his. Ten minutes of listening to him moan every time I work out a sore spot. I start slow, lifting up his shirt and stroking my hands across bare skin. Grover doesn't seem to mind and soon he's helping me pull the t-shirt over his head as he relaxes under my touch.

I start adding kisses, pressing my lips against his shoulder blade, then across the top of his shoulder to his neck. Grover is moaning more frequently now and he tips his head to the side to allow me to kiss further up his neck. I oblige, running my lips up his throat, stopping as my nose touches against his dark curls. I bring my hands up to rub through his curls, lightly scratching at his scalp and making him relax his head further back onto my shoulder. I take full advantage of this new angle to run my tongue teasingly along his earlobe and sucking it into my mouth. Grover moans again.

I sneak my hand out of his hair and over his shoulder. I rub the palm of my hand teasingly across his nipple which I'm happily surprised to find is already hard. I plant a path of kisses around his ear, following his hairline. My hand ventures farther down his body, across his stomach. My fingers tease against his happy trail until they touch the edge of his waistband.

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