Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ken's POV

Cry and I walked towards the hills that were not far from where we were; hopefully it won't be too hard finding her glasses.

"Hey, Ken?" Cry spoke up.

I turned towards him but kept my eyes peeled, "yeah?"

"How much do you trust this Kjellberg guy?" he questioned, his emotionless mask looking at me.

I sighed, raising an eyebrow questionably. "Why?"

"What if he steals our supplies? What if he kills us in our sleeps? What if-?" I cut him off.

"Why would someone go through the trouble of almost getting' killed by YOU if they were to do that?" I questioned, stopping in my tracks. "Besides, if he was then why would he still follow you after takin' a bullet?"

Cry sighed in defeat, "I just don't feel that we can trust him." He murmured.

We continued to walk in silence, not even looking at each other on the way. We made it to the mountain or hill or whatever it was, it was big I can tell you that.

The hill was steep but looked like it was able to be climbed, "ladies first." I smirked, gesturing for Cry to start climbing.

He chuckled, "you ass." He pushed me playfully before he strapped his gun onto his torso and began climbing. After a while I began climbing myself, keeping a close distance to Cry.

After a while of exercise we decided to have a break, we were already 25 metres off the ground. There was a tree growing on the side of the hill which was a great place to rest since it was horizontal.

Cry grabbed his water bottle from his bag, lifting his mask up and taking a sip. "Want a drink?" Cry offered which I gladly took. "Why are we even doing this..." he muttered.

I sighed and scratched the back of my head, feeling my curly locks brush against my hand. "Would you rather be killed by that red head?" I jokingly questioned.

His gaze was solid and straight, looking at the never ending trees on the mountains. My eyes flickered upwards, seeing storm clouds coming towards us. "Look, there might be a blizzard soon." I placed my hand on Cry's shoulder, pointing towards the dull coloured sky.

"I see," he murmured. "Well," he stretched his slender arms before looking up and to the side of the hill, "I'll go up. You go look around the sides," he beckoned behind me.

I nodded and gave him a solute, "on it."

He chuckled before beginning to climb, a few pebbles and rocks crumbling down. I stretched my arms before I began looking out for the glasses the red head lost, hoping to get this over and done with.

Cry's POV

After taking a small break I continued to climb, thank god I went camping sometime in the past. I would always go mountain climbing with my brother, I would sometimes hide in the trees when we played hide and go seek.

He was always the kid who smiled the brightest in our family, especially after... no, not now. I shook the thought away, feeling a bit of anger course through me.

I reached up to grab a ledge when all the sudden I heard gun shots, "huh?" I looked back to see birds flying out of the trees in a curtain area but it was far.

I felt my foot slip off a small rock that poked out of the mountain which made me yelp, a very girly yelp. I grabbed onto another ledge which held me into the air while I searched for another place to place my foot.

Once I did I calmed myself down, clutching my chest as my heart pounded out of my chest. "shit..." I murmured, carefully looking down to see that I was quite high up.

My furrowed my brows in confusion, "how the hell did I get up here so fast?" I questioned myself. Did I zone out or something?

I started to hear more gunshots that sounded closer, "better not be Kjellberg."

I hung my head when seeing the Swede and the red head running out of the trees and towards us, they began climbing but the red head was struggling. "Just hurry up," I muttered, looking at them with piercing eyes.

I began seeing walkers crowding around them, "fuck!"

I looked up and took my mask off; making it easier to see what was in front of me. I glanced at the wall with crumbling rocks, snow and grass patches on the small ledges.

And that's when something caught my eye not far from me, "yes!" I whispered, seeing a pair of black framed glasses with a few scratches on it.

As I went to grab it all that could be heard was gun shots. Bang! Bang! Bang! Just ringing in my ears as I stretched my arms out to grab what we came here for.

I groaned in frustration, "If I don't get this... I will kick Kjellberg's ass..." I grunted, brushing against the glasses with my fingertips. But then it fell off the ledge, falling past me and landing near Ken.

I saw that Kjellberg and the red head were now warned out, dead bodies surrounding them as they were catching their breaths.

I sighed in relief, slowly making my way down when I missed a step.


I began stumbling and rolling down the hill, the edges of rocks cutting and ripping at my hoodie and jeans.

"Cry!" Ken called out, soon colliding with something large and warm. I must have ran into Ken since I could hear is groans and whimpering, we soon reached the ground which was soft but hard from the snow, probably gonna leave a few bruises.

I got up, stumbling and a bit dizzy from that experience, looking around and shaking my head once I had balance. I turned my head half way to see everyone frozen in place, fear showed in their eyes.

I looked at them in confusion, following their gazes to see a grizzly bear walking towards us. I gulped, my eyes flickering over to the ground where the glasses lied, including my mask. I gasped, shocked that people could now see my face. That sudden sound made it angry.

I ran towards the mask and glasses, sliding into the snow and looked back at everyone. "Run!" I shouted, getting back onto my feet and running towards where the building was.

I slipped my mask back on as we ran, securing the string behind my head but by doing so I dropped the glasses.


I kept running, not even bothering to get my gun out, otherwise it will probably make it angrier and the sound will attract many walkers. But I did have my knife, I stopped in my tracks and looked at the bear dead straight in the eye.

"What are you doing?" the woman shouted, gripping her injured arm.

I grabbed my large knife and lifted my arm into the air, aiming with one eye. The tension was getting heavy as it came closer, the yelling of my group filling my ears.

"Now or never..."

I threw my knife towards the bear, making it stab into its neck but did not kill the animal. I dodged its first attack, sliding to the side and grabbing my knife out of its neck. It cried out in pain but still tried to attack, "your loss."

While it whimpered I held my knife with both hands, digging it into its neck once more. This time it made a louder noise, forcing me to cut deeper into its flesh which silenced it.

I took a deep breath before taking back my weapon, feeling my heart pounding.

"That was... awesome," Ken commented with a half-smile. Worry was shown on everyone's faces but soon relief.

Minx and Ken were never surprised by my actions since I did whatever kept my group safe, even for the people I have no trust in.

We left the dead animal lying in the snow, heading towards our home.

[Author's note]

My apology for the late updates, I've been quite busy but I just had the chance to update tonight. Goodnight, my friends.

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