Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Cry's POV

"You wait here, I'll get the rest," I said before leaving Cheyenne in the woods. Hopefully she'll be fine since she has a weapon.

It was too open to go through the main room so I went towards the back of the building, seeing walkers crawling into the windows of the rooms. Running, I jumped on one and stabbed it in the eye with my knife, getting back up and stabbing the rest in the heads.

I gaged from the smell, it was disgusting but I kind of enjoyed this, letting all my anger out with these guys.

After killing all the walkers I got into the window, seeing that it was mine. A.K was under the bed hissing, "It's alright cat," I whispered, grabbing a small bag and putting the cat into it, I know it sounds cruel but he'll die out here.

Before leaving I grabbed most of my weapons, including the photo of my family, running out to see Kjellberg crawling on the floor on his back, shooting into the room he was crawling out of.

I had to save his ass, didn't I?

I sighed, running to him and knifing the walkers that were in his room, picking him up harshly, "get up."

"T-Thanks..." he murmured.

"I said get up," I repeated, getting him onto his feet and pushing him towards my room, "get out through the window, Cheyenne will be waiting."

He looked at me for a moment before nodding, going through my room and crawling out of the broken window.

I swallowed, running towards the stairs, only to be shot at the ear, a piece of my mask shattering. "Shit!"

"Come out where I can see you!!" an unfamiliar voice shouted, sounding like it was from one of the windows. Before getting shot again I took cover, seeing Ken and Krism not far from me.

"Cry!" Ken exclaimed in joy, "You alright buddy?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Do you know where the bastards are?" I asked, a bit rushed.

He nodded, shooting towards a window, hearing a yelp meaning he got one. "There are still a few left; I'll try to get them while you get the rest of us out!"

I nodded, "I'm gonna help Ken out," Krism stated, "go on and get the others!"

Looking over the board we hid behind I saw Snake and Scott, Scott lying on the floor with blood staining his arm. They needed to get out of there before they become food.

I looked around, not wanting to let the bandits know what I was trying to do, soon grabbing a glass bottle and throwing it near them.

Their head shot towards me; beckoning them towards me they nodded and ran, almost getting shot.

"You guys alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine," Snake answered, "but..." he looked over at Scott who was bleeding pretty badly, soon turning back to me. "How do we get out?"

"Go to my room and get through the window, Cheyenne and Felix are waiting."

They nodded and soon left.

Now all that was left was Red, Russ, Krism and Ken. I feel so bad for Minx; she was like family to me. I shook my head no, I couldn't feel depressed right now, I had to get everyone out safely.

The only place left to hide in this place was near the windows where we eat, the dining tables. Looking I found Russ and Red hiding with the table flipped for cover, but Walkers were getting into the lodge and they weren't too far from them.

I had to get them out somehow, so I took cover and shot at the Walkers that were getting too close to the couple, them finally noticing that they were in deep shit if they stay there.

They ran, just like what Snake and Jund had to do, getting into cover before getting shot at.

"Are guys alright?" I asked, keeping my head down.

"Y-yeah..." Russ said, "How do we get out? Where's everyone else?"

I pointed towards the hallway, "through there and go through my bedroom window, everyone will be waiting."

He nodded; pushing Red towards the direction I told them to go and most probably went through the window. Hopefully no Walkers block the window; the others should keep it clear.

I went up to Ken and Krism, tapping them on the shoulder, "everyone's out. Now let's go," I stated, pulling him towards the hallway.

"Alright," Ken said, "nice job, Cry."

Krism, Ken and I ran into the hallway, into my room and out through the broken window, getting a few cuts on my leg as I got out.

Looking around I saw everyone safely out of the lodge and sitting on the snow. But Jund didn't look so good, he was bleeding furiously from him arm.

"Krism!" Cheyenne exclaimed, trying to get onto her feet but falling back down.

I shook my head, "you can't walk in your state," I looked at everyone, fixing my mask so it wouldn't fall off.

"We have to move, it's not safe here anymore," I said, getting a nod from everyone.

The lodge was gonna be impossible to fix since the bandits were still in there and it'll take ages to fix the windows and doors, it wasn't safe anymore so we had to keep moving.

I was just surprised that no one argued.

So we headed towards the next place we could find to get shelter from this winter, Cheyenne on my back as I carried her and Snake keeping a good eye on Jund since he didn't get a chance to fix his arm while Cheyenne did. 

[Author's Note] Sorry that this is short, it's quite late so I'll be sleeping now. Goodnight. 

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