Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Cry's POV

After that Kjellberg guy was getting his arm fixed by Minx I went off to my room, not wanting to be in the same room as that guy.

Why does Minx trust him so much? He could kill us while we're sleeping, good thing that I'm a light sleeper. Once reaching my room at the end of the hall I could already hear A.K meowing like hell.

I opened the door but kept my feet in the way so the brown cat wouldn't escape my room, closing the door as soon as I got in.

He rubbed against my legs as I stood in my room, heading for the bed and dropping myself onto it. A.K jumped on, rubbing his face into my hand, trying to get me to pat him. "Silly cat," I whispered before taking my hoodie off.

A.K walked over to the hoodie I threw onto the ground, clawing at it to make it more comfortable to lay on. I chuckled, heading to the bathroom to go clean up. I never get to have a shower much, too much stress to protect my friends.

I can't let anything happen to them, I have to keep them safe.

I washed my face with hot water from the tap, some splashing onto A.K. after getting cleaned up I grabbed the cat food I kept in my closet, filling the cat bowl with dried food before walking past my desk, seeing the picture I kept from Florida.

It was a holiday picture at the beach with my family, me in my boardies, my little brother in front of me while I rested my chin on his hair. My older sister was next to me with her fiancée holding her waist, my mother on the other side with a big smile on her face.

I smiled, missing the memories I spent with my family, too bad I never got to see them after it happened...

I was brought back to reality by loud footsteps, knowing it was Kjellberg. I slipped on my mask and opened the door before he had a chance to knock, glaring at him through my mask.

"What?" I questioned coldly.

"Ken want's everyone down stairs, dinner's ready." He stated, pointing down the hall.

I huffed, brushing past him to get to the dining hall, turning my head a little to see him walking slowly.

Why is he staring at me? Probably because of the mask, figures.

Felix's POV

"Wake up sunshine!" Ken shouted into my ear.

I groaned in frustration, rolling over so I was facing the other wall. I could hear Ken walking then the sound of the curtains drawing back.

"My eyes! It burns!" I joked around, pulling the blankets over my head.

He chuckled, "c'mon, Felix. Get up," he pulled the blanket off of me.

I curled into a small ball, trying to get warm as the air in the room was very cold. "But why?" I complained like a 5 year old, opening one of my eyes to see Ken in warm clothes.

He wore a thick jacket with jeans, steal cap boots and leather gloves on. "We need to go huntin'," he stated.


"We don't just live off canned food, ya know." He walked towards my bedroom door, "be ready in 15 minutes."

I nodded, stretching my arms before getting out of bed and walking over to the desk, pulling my green collared shirt off my bag and putting it on. I slipped on my bag and walked towards the front door, bumping into Cry.

"Morning," I made a small wave.

He looked at me before walking off, his hands shoved in his hoodie. I sighed, walking behind him as he walked towards the door as well, with a shotgun strapped to his back.

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