Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Felix's POV

I ran past the tall trees, my lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen in my body as my knees began to feel weak. I leaned against a tree, catching my breath before I could hear whimpering.

My knitted my eyebrows in curiosity before walking towards the cause of the sound, coming across a cave. "Hello?" I saw a corpse lying on the ground, blood splattered onto the white snow as it lays there.

A began hearing shuffling and the sound of snow being crushed, I froze from the sound of a gun clicking. "Get the fuck away from me!" it was a woman's voice.

"I-I'm not gonna hurt you," I carefully walked into the cave. That's when I felt a stinging pain in my cheek, raising my hand to it to see that I was bleeding.

"I said to stay the fuck away from me!"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to be as careful as possible. "look, I can help you. Do you want anything? Do you need a hand-?"

She shot once again, only hitting near my foot. I furrowed my brows, "can you even aim?" I questioned, stepping closer to the figure on the ground.

"Shut up. I lost my glasses," she admitted. She turned her head to the side as the gun was next to her waist, meaning it was safer.

"What if we found your glasses, then will you allow me to help you?" I took another step.

She raised her gun as me with a raised eyebrow, "yeah sure, whatever."

I sighed, wanting to get closer but she made the clicking sound on the gun once more, indicating that she was ready to shoot me. I took a deep breath and saw something on her shoulder, "are you hurt?" I asked worriedly. She had 4 gashes on her shoulder; they looked deep and were bleeding.

"Yeah, why do you care?" she questioned coldly.

"Well we need to get you stitched and bandaged and-" she cut me off.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" she spat at me, her green eyes filled with anger and... sadness? "Get. My. Fucking. Glasses!" she said sternly.

I sighed and was about to leave when I heard someone behind me, turning around to see Cry and Ken pointing their guns at the girl.

"No!" I shouted, moving their guns away as they looked at me with confusion.

"What?!" Cry asked angrily, obviously wanting to punch me in the face.

I gulped, "she's hurt. Find her glasses and I'll stay here," I instructed.

Ken looked at me with confusion, "why? She could have been bitten or might kill you!" he pointed at the red head.

"Just trust me," I whispered.  

Ken sighed, "Which way?" he looked over at the girl.

"The hill not far from here."

Watching as they left, I looked over at the girl as Cry glared at me as they walked off towards the direction the girl gave them.

She lowered her gun but kept a tight grip on it, obviously not trusting me. I grabbed my gun which made her alert, "what are you doing?" she asked, ready to shoot me at any moment.

I raised my hands in the air and hung the gun around my fingers, "don't worry. I'm just taking out the magazine," I assured her.

She lowered her gun once again, a bit of trust in her eyes as I dropped the magazine onto the ground and placed my gun back into my holster. I picked up the magazine just in case of an attack, handing it to the girl when she finally trusted me to be near her.

I sat on the opposite side of the cave, looking at her intense green eyes that focused on me. The silence was starting to get awkward so I decided to break it, "what's your name?"

She stayed silent but answered, "Red."

I tilted my head a little, "Red, like your hair?" I pointed at her long red hair.

She shrugged, "and you?" she looked up at me, her bare arms wrapped around her small body to try and keep warm.

"Felix Arvid Ulf Kj-" before I could finish she cut me off.

"I asked for your name, not your life story." She gave a half smile.

I made a small nervous laugh, "just call me Felix."

She made a small laugh, rubbing her arms and using friction to warm up her skin.

I sighed and got up, taking off my shirt and wrapping it around her. "I don't need it," she pushed it away but I picked it up again and put it on her, not taking no for an answer.

"Yes you do," I protested.

She sighed and accepted it, "why? You just had a gun pointed at you," she questioned.

I shrugged, "I won't forget it but I learn to forgive."

She looked away as if she was thinking, my parents always told me to forgive, even if the past will never be forgotten.

She gave me a half-smile, "are you Swedish?" she questioned.

I nodded, "last time I check, yes." I smiled, making her laugh.

"Not bad for a Swedish guy," she commented.

I scratched the back of my head while laughing nervously, "I guess. Thanks," I looked at her eyes once more.

[An hour later]

We waited for Cry and Ken to return but they took longer than we expected them to, I hope they're alright.

"Are you sure your glasses are at the hills?" I questioned once again for the millionth time.

She groaned in annoyance, "yes! They came off when I fell down the hill!" she raised her voice.

That's when he heard a low growl come from outside the cave, making both of us jump. I grabbed my gun and Red past me my magazine, slipping it in I carefully walked towards the mouth of the cave, seeing a whole ton of walkers heading towards us.

"We got a problem!" I aimed my gun towards their heads, shooting one by one but there was way too many. I reloaded my gun before shooting again; Red tried shotting them as she came out of the cave and joined me.

"There are too many of them!" she shouted, reloading her gun.

I wiped away the beads of sweat on my forehead, looking back to see a bear walking towards us. "You've got to be shitting me!" I looked at the bear and the walkers, seeing that the bear was now charging towards us.

I bit my lip before pulling on Red's arm and running through the walkers, the bear was distracted but we needed to hurry. "Where are the hills?" I asked, looking directly into her eyes.

She pointed to our left which made me drag her along, running towards the hills that was visible through the trees.

"Hurry!" I pulled on her arm once more, making her a bit angry.

"Just shut up and let me go!" she snapped at me, taking her arm back and running beside me.

[Author's note]

1:53 a.m. at the moment talking on Facebook, who would like to bet if I can stay up all night?

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