Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Cry's POV

Russ closed the door behind me as all of us ran into the gas station, dropping a wooden plank into the hooks beside the door so no one could get in.

I was out of breath and so was everybody else, some collapsing onto the floors while some used the walls for support.

"Everyone alright?" Ken asked.

"Good enough," I replied, standing up right as everyone else did so. "I think we should rest," I suggested, most of them agreeing and the rest not being bothered to.


Everyone sat around the small fire we made and tried to warm up, Russ coming through one of the doors, holding a box.

"Watcha got there?" Ken asked, scratching his beard.

Russ put the box onto the ground, pushing his glasses back up. "I had this under the counter just in case," he responded, everyone trying to get a look inside.

"Food!" Krism said, getting a bag of chips out.

Everyone began to grab food out of the box as I waited, getting a bar of chocolate and began eating it. It tasted weird but I was used to it, having canned food for 2 months is horror.

"So Felix," Ken started, "what was it like when your life flashed before your eyes?"

Felix looked confused at first but finally got it, "Oh god, it was terrifying but also boring." He responded, making most of us laugh. I didn't though, it's not that funny almost dying.

After everyone finished eating we all sat in silence, things getting awkward for them.

"So Cry," Krism started, making me look at her. "Where are you from? You obviously have an American accent."

I bit my tongue, thinking if I should join in on the conversation. "It wouldn't hurt," I thought. "I lived in Florida but I was born in New York," I responded.

She nodded, "what about you Felix?" she said, looking over at the blonde.

"Sweden but I moved around a lot before everything," he replied, pushing his greasy hair back.

"Where have you moved?" Red asked, her chin resting on her hand as she looked at him.

Felix sighed, looking at the roof as he thought for a moment. "Well Sweden of course," he began to count with his fingers, "Italy when I moved in with my girlfriend, and the U.K after a while of moving back and forward."

I moved around but not too often, just a few times around the state.

"So..." Kjellberg started, "what's the plan?"

Everyone was silent, not knowing the answer to his question.

"We stay here," Russ stated, making Kjellberg groan.

"Not that shit again," he whined.

Russ glared at him, "what? Do you have a better fucking plan?" he asked.

"Uh yeah!" He responded, "The Dome!"

"Guys stop it," Said Red, knowing well enough where this is going. Even I did and it was getting on my fucking nerve if they start again.

"Okay," Russ raised his hands up in defence, "we'll have a vote then. Who thinks we should stay?"

Everyone seemed unsure about the vote, or thinking this through so we don't screw this up. Even I couldn't decide, if we stay we won't have to endure the long travel there and this place is pretty secured. But if we go, Red's kid might have a chance of living and they have food, shelter and water there.

Ken, Cheyenne, Russ and Snake raise their hands, "Cheyenne is injured and we don't know exactly where it is." Snake stated, a good point I should add as well.

"And who votes that we should go?" Russ asked, Felix and Krism raising their hands.

Russ looked at me, raising an eyebrow, "Cry? Your vote counts as well."

I pursed my lips, "Do I have to?" I asked, not wanting to participate in this. He nodded, looking a bit annoyed at me before moving on to asking someone else.

"What about you Krism?" he tilted his head.

She looked too depressed to answer his question, her gaze at the ground and her eyes dim.

"Krism?" he asked again, getting her attention.

"I don't fucking know," she answered with a shrug.

Ken sighed, "How about we figure this out tomorrow, alright? We've been walking for hours and we finally have fire so I just want a warm night's sleep."

Russ stood up with his hands up, "fine," he said, walking away.

"Where are you going?" Red asked, also getting up.

"Gonna go take a piss..." was the last thing we heard before Russ and Red walked off, leaving us alone in this filthy room.

Most of us laid down, ready to get some sleep but I wasn't gonna sleep. Not with those things wandering around outside.

I held my gun close to my chest while everyone fell asleep once Red and Russ got back, some of them asking if I wanted to swap but I was fine for now. But my eyelids were getting heavy but I made sure I stayed awake; otherwise I would be unreliable to them.

As my eyes were about to close I could feel someone grip my shoulder which made me wake up with a jolt.

Looking up I saw Kjellberg, looking down at me with a bit of worry in his blue eyes.

"Hey, I'll watch for a while, you get some rest..." he whispered, making sure not to wake anyone up.

I shook my head, "I'll be fine..."

He pursed his lips, "I know you're tired... it's been a few hours since everyone went to sleep."

I furrowed my eyebrows; it's been that long already? Shit. I guess getting some rest wouldn't be too bad...

I sighed, "Thanks dude..." I muttered, placing my gun down beside me but kept it close, getting into a more comfortable position.

He smiled, "glad to help..."

And with that I fell asleep straight away; I actually got to sleep without waking up. I was amazed I trusted him this much.

But I'm glad I got the rest, who knows how much work we have tomorrow...

[Author's Note] I'm sorry for the late update but I promise I will continue this, thank you for the reads, votes and comments! 

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