Chapter 25

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[Author's Note] yup, new cover and took me ages to do. I have an art account for my drawings on Instagram as well :P Also I've had another PewdieCry story in mind, and other stories in drafts just I'm full of ideas right now!

Felix's POV

"Do you have shelter or something? A camp? A fire?" I questioned Cry, watching him shake his head as the strands of his greasy hair hung in his face, making my heart sink. "How the hell did you survive then?"

"I don't know," he mumbled, looking down at the ground as if he was dazed.

I was staring at his face as we sat on the ground with our bodies towards each other, I was leaning in my hand for support as he had his legs crossed.

"Have you eaten?" I asked, sounding concerned.

Slowly, he shook his head once more, feeling my heart aching a bit. This dude was worrying the hell of out me and even though I'm the one being held captive and forced to slave for hours on end, I was probably more safer than him inside this place.

Wiping my runny nose, I reached into my jacket and grabbed a ration, passing it through the fence.

"Here," I murmured, an apologetic smile appearing on my face.

He stared at it with wide eyes as if it was a gift from the heavens, then washed over with guilt.

"No," he said simply, "I can't, its yours."

I shook my head, trying to hand it to him. "Please, you're gonna starve and I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you."

He looked at me skeptically with a slight blush, making my face heat up when I realised what I said, shaking the packet in his face quickly.

"Just take the fucking food, Cry." I chuckled, watching as he finally took it.

He ate it slowly but his eyes seemed to gleam, as if he was starved to death but didn't have the energy to eat let alone open his mouth.

I watched as his jaw clenched while he chewed, taking in the detail of his pale features. I couldn't tell if he was hiding any muscles under those clothes, in fact he looked quite normal depicting his facial features, button nose, pale and puffed bottom lip and facial hair that had a few blonde strands in them.

With hesitation I reached through the fence and gently placed my hand on his, getting his full attention. 

"Hey Ryan?" I asked and continued without an answer, "I'm glad you're here..."

He stared at me on the side with a skeptical look in his eyes, but the pink hue on his cheeks explained everything. He swallowed his food and went to talk but his eyes flickered over, looking passed me. I began to hear a commotion behind me, turning around to see people crowding around the fence me and Ken meet up at, my eyes widening at the though of what was happening.

Ken's POV

"Where's Felix?" Red asked, walking over with her arms folded and her hair tied back tightly looking at me with worry.

I stood next to the fence where we always met up, one hand on the fence and the other in my pocket. I sighed, "I don't know, he might be working overtime or somethin'. Don't worry, okay?"

She nodded slowly after what felt like a few seconds of her processing everything. I've never seen her look so scared, so frightened by anything. When she arrived, she was spitting blood and cursing at anything that she didn't like, not going down without a fight. But now, its like she's a different person, anxiety filling her as the only thing that she seems to think of is the worst.

"Hey Red?" I placed my hand on her shoulder, getting her to look up at me. "Its gonna be alright, I promise."

She gave me a sad smile as I smiled back at her, trying to cheer her up as much as I could in our fucked up situation.

"I just feel sick, y'know? And sore..." She stated as she rubbed her stomach, making my heart drop.

"Yeah," I simply replied with a croaky voice.

I looked over at the group, seeing all of them huddled together by the fire, looking kind of cheerful actually.

She followed my gaze and turned her head to them, sighing.

"If Felix doesn't come, I'm going to bed. Its late and cold."

I nodded, "you don't have to wait. Just go to bed, Red. You need the rest," I suggested to her, watching her shake her head as her teeth chartered.

"I want to wait for Felix," she protested, "I'm only going to wait a little longer, okay?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. I didn't want her to collapse on any of us like before, she was so pale and weak and the monsters here wouldn't give her a day off or even extra time in her break, just ordering her around.

I hated this place.

"Get your fucking hands off me!!" I heard a familiar voice shout, my heart jumping at the sudden vocals and making my attention go to Cheyenne - who was getting picked up by a couple of the men here.

"Fuck off, she's not going with you!" Mark shouted, standing up getting a rifle pointed at him.

"Step away, immigrant." One of the guys ordered, getting a glare from Mark.

"I fucking live in this country!!" He stated, raising his hands when the man poked his chest with the tip of the rifle, silencing the dark haired man.

"What's going on?" I asked, walking over as Cheyenne was getting lifted off the ground and she protested.

The man holding Cheyenne began to growl with frustration, trying to restrain the young woman while getting beaten the hell out of him.

"For fuck sake, can I just kill her now?" He questioned before getting an elbow to the throat, coughing and wheezing.

"What the hell is going on here?" I questioned once more, stepping closer, suddenly getting a blow to the side of my face, knocking me down.

"None of your business."

When the men turned to take Cheyenne away, I assumed the worst. Either they were ordered to take her somewhere or something bad was going to happen to her. Really bad.

Holding my face and wincing at the ringing noise the affliction caused me on my cheek none and ear, I watched as Mark quickly punched the guy in the back of the head, probably giving him a concussion and making him tumble over.

Without hesitation, the guy turned around and swung his rifle at Mark, hitting him straight across the face and sending him onto the ground, pointing his rifle at the Asian, making everyone's eyes widen in worry.

"Mother fucker!"

One of the other guys grabbed his shoulder, talking to him. I couldn't hear this conversation though from my injured and ringing ear, watching as they walked off with just Cheyenne, out of sight.

I frowned, "where are they taking her?"

Red and Snake helped me up, the other doing the same for Mark as we were both left hurt and bleeding.

Touching my face, I felt a gash, droplets of blood on my hand and the cold air stinging the area while Mark had a blood nose and a swollen eye, his glasses on the ground without a scratch.

"I don't know," Mark answered, spitting blood, "they just said they needed her for something..."

I felt panic at the pit of my stomach, almost nauseous.

"Ken?" A faint voice spoke behind me.

"Felix?" I answered, turning around to see the blonde against the fence with a crowd of strangers around him that was probably watching the show, slowly scattering away, pretending they weren't watching.

"Ken, what happened?"

I walked over, a sad but also disappointed expression on my face. "Where were you, man?"

Lost In The Apocalypse (PewDieCry) -DISCONTINUED-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora